Limericks. (New)

The Doctor said How do you feel
I said If only these bruises would heal
Doc said Oh dear
The reason is clear
You should never steal your wife’s meal.

While walking the dog through the park,

While walking the dog through the park
I knew it was wrong, it was dark

While walking the dog through the park
I knew it was wrong, it was dark
I slipped on the mud
Went down with a thud
And all my dog did was to bark.

I thought I should finish it.

Just for a change it’s going to rain

Just for a change it’s going to rain
Isn’t that just an absolute pain

Just for a change it’s going to rain
Isn’t that just an absolute pain
We all need the summer
The rain is a bummer
This constant drizzle drives me insane.

For dinner tonight I thought we’d have fish

For dinner tonight I thought we’d have fish
So went to the cupboard to find my fish dish

I searched high and low

For dinner tonight I thought we’d have fish
So went to the cupboard to find my fish dish
I searched high and low

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For dinner tonight I thought we’d have fish
So went to the cupboard to find my fish dish
I searched high and low
And what d’ya know

[quote=“EZ_Rider, post:7912, topic:58188, full:true”]
For dinner tonight I thought we’d have fish
So went to the cupboard to find my fish dish
I searched high and low
And what d’ya know
On the second shelf I got my wish

I remember that moment in time

I remember that moment in time
In my hand was a Lager and Lime

I remember that moment in time
In my hand was a Lager and Lime
I had a quick sip

I remember that moment in time
In my hand was a Lager and Lime
I had a quick sip
Then I went for a kip

I remember that moment in time
In my hand was a Lager and Lime
I had a quick sip
Then I went for a kip
And felt I’d committed a crime !