Limerick (Part 4)

The fox sat watching Mick’s hens
And went to fetch a big Lens

The fox sat watching Mick’s hens
And went to fetch a big lens
But while he was gone

The fox sat watching Mick’s hens
And went to fetch a big lens
But while he was gone
Someone pinched it

Well that’s mucked that one up then. :lol:

A hedgehog went out for a walk

A hedgehog went out for a walk
And was accosted by a one-legged stork

A hedgehog went out for a walk
And was accosted by a one-legged stork
The stork pecked his head

A hedgehog went out for a walk
And was accosted by a one-legged stork
The stork pecked his head
The hedgehog turned red

A hedgehog went out for a walk
And was accosted by a one legged stork
The stork pecked his head
The hedgehog turned red
And was then “finished off” by a hawk.

There once was a tadpole called Fred

There once was tadpole called Fred
Who had a big spot on his head

There once was a tadpole called Fred
Who had a big spot on his head
He said to the nurse

There one was a tadpole called Fred
Who had a big spot on his head
He said to the nurse
It’s getting worse

There once was a tadpole called Fred
Who had a big spot on his head
He said to the nurse
It’s getting much worse
Please do something quick or i’m dead!

The goldfish alone in his bowl

The goldfish alone in his bowl
Looked like really sad soul

The goldfish alone in his bowl
Looked like a really sad soul
He just swam round and round

The goldfish alone in his bowl
Looked like a really sad soul
He just swam round and round
Without making a sound

The goldfish alone in his bowl
Looked like a really sad soul
He just swam round and round
Without making a sound
Blowing bubbles from his blow-hole

His allotment was Fred’s secret vice

His allotment was Fred’s secret vice
But the soil there was not very nice