Limerick (Part 4)

Where’s Judd on this bright moonlit night?
I’ve been out flying my kite
And boy did it fly

Where’s Judd on this bright moonlit night?
I’ve been out flying my kite
And boy did it fly
Right up in the sky

Where’s Judd on this bright moonlit night?
I’ve been out flying my kite
And boy did it fly
Right up in the sky
Stop talking rubbish now, right!

I met two new ducks today

I met two new ducks today
One called April one May

I met two new ducks today
One called April one May
I gave them some seed

I met two new ducks today
One called April one May
I gave them some seed
Mixed with pond weed

I met two new ducks today
One called April one May
I gave them some seed
Mixed with pond weed
And i’m pretty sure April was gay.

There was a small pony called Jack

There was a small pony called Jack
Whose teeth were a bit slack

There was a small pony called Jack
Whose teeth were a little bit slack
Which meant when he bit

There was a small pony called Jack
Whose teeth were a little bit slack
Which meant when he bit
His carrots didn’t fit

There was a small pony called Jack
Whose teeth were a little bit slack
Which meant when he bit
His carrots didn’t fit
So he chewed on the ones at the back

I went to the bank for a loan

I went to the bank for a loan
The manager had a good moan

I went to the bank for a loan
The manager had a good moan
He said ‘Now look here young man’

I went to the bank for a loan
The manager had a good moan
He said ‘Now look here young man
We’ve given all we can’

I went to the bank for a loan
The manager had a good moan
He said ‘Now look here young man
We’ve given all we can’
Said he “then lower your tone”

A couple went off on a cruise

A couple went off on a cruise
Just to get some cheap booze

A couple went off on a cruise
Just to get some cheap booze
But when in the duty free

A couple went off on a cruise
Just to get some cheap booze
But when in the duty free
They bumped into me