Limerick (Part 4)

So the man from Nepal went away
He may return one fine day
He’s staying with a friend
Who is now on the mend
So the Nepalese man has to pay.

I went for a trike ride today

I went for a trike ride today
And fell into a field of hay

I went for a trike ride today
And fell into a field of hay
I dented my ego

I went for a trike ride today
And fell into a field of hay
Nowt hurt just my pride

I went for a trike ride today
And fell into a field of hay
Nowt hurt just my pride
But I almost just cried

I went for a trike ride today
And fell into a field of hay
Nowt hurt just my pride
But I almost just cried
Tomorrow I’ll go out on a sleigh

When throwing my dog a large stick

When throwing my dog a stick
The stick hit a man called Dick

When throwing my dog a stick
The stick hit a man called Dick
He said “Watch what your doing”

When throwing my dog a stick
The stick hit a man called Dick
He said “Watch what your doing”
I was in the middle of pooing

When throwing my dog a stick
The stick hit a man called Dick
He said “Watch what your doing”
I was in the middle of pooing
To much info, I feel sick.

Now this man called dick was upset

Now this man Dick was upset
His heart raced he started to sweat

Now this man Dick was upset
His heart raced he started to sweat
He started to shiver

Now this man Dick was upset
His heart raced he started to sweat
He started to shiver
To shake and to quiver

Now this man Dick was upset
His heart raced he started to sweat
He started to shiver
To shake and to quiver
And his dangly bits felt really wet. :smiley:

I knew a young woman called Mabel

I knew a young woman called Mabel
Who refused to, but I knew she was able

I knew a young woman called Mabel
who refused to, but I knew she was able
One night after dark

I knew a young woman called Mabel
Who refused to, but I knew she was able
One night after dark
Wet met in the park

I knew a young woman called Mabel
Who refused to, but I knew she was able
One night after dark
Wet met in the park
And finished up under the table.

I went for a walk on the pier