Limerick (Part 4)

In a haunted house by the river
Someone had left a plateful of liver
Was it human or dog ?
Or Bob from the bog
The thought of it makes me shiver :shock:

Well i’m a lass from Yorkshire

Well i’m a lass from Yorkshire
Is Malcolm a berk from Berkshire?

Well I’m a lass from Yorkshire
Is Malcolm a berk from Berkshire ?
I have heard it said

Well i’m a lass from Yorkshire
Is Malcolm a berk from Berkshire?
I have heard it said
That he is well read

Well i’m a lass from Yorkshire
Is Malcolm a berk from Berkshire?
I have heard it said
That he is well read
Well read? That’s a laugh sir

Easter’s not far away

Easter’s not far away
Eat loadsa chocolate day!

Easter’s not far awaay
Eat loadsa chocolate day!
Your waistband will grow

Easter’s not far away
Eat loadsa chocolate day!
Your waistband will grow
As your belly will show

Easter’s not far away
Eat loadsa chocolate day!
Your waistband will grow
As your belly will show
Good exercise keeps that at bay.

The was a greengrocer called Syd

There was a greengrocer called Syd
The love of his life was his pet squid

There was a greengrocer called Syd
The love of his life was his pet squid
Then one day disaster!

There was a greengrocer called Syd
The love of his life was his pet squid
Then one day disaster!
The squid said to his master

There was a greengrocer called Syd
The love of his life was his pet squid
Then one day disaster!
The squid said to his master
I need money - lend us a quid. :slight_smile:

There once was a witch named Aggy

There once was a witch named Aggy
Whose bosoms were really saggy

:shock: rude boy. :lol:

There was once a witch names Aggy
Whose bosoms were really saggy
They were down to her belly

There was once a witch named Aggy
Whose bosoms were really saggy
They were down to her belly
Nearly touching Nelly