Let's have a laugh

HA HA! good one OS…don’t we all??!

I found a Horror book written in braille.
Something bad is going to happen, I can feel it.

Our local football team just hired a zombie, the manager said they need a new ghoul keeper

start the car…:shock:

Clever play on words lOL!

lol!! Os

I took my new girlfriend out on our first date to the ice rink. Entry was half price. She called me a cheap skate.

No wonder! Guess there was no second date LOL!

A friend of mine has just returned from living in Russia for a year. He got a job working in a factory making paper knapkins. He said he was working for the Serviette Union.

Did you hear about the dyslexic atheist? he said there is no Dog.

Not at all. I have little patience with long jokes at the best of times. If it was a decent joke at the end of it, it wouldn’t be so bad.

Unfortunately the local archery business had to close. They weren’t hitting their targets.

Chap goes to the local Swimming Pool, gets changed and makes his way outside. Getting as far as the pool he felt an urgent need to relieve himself. Thinking that young childen do it in the pool, he felt that one adult wouldn’t make much difference. he had just started when there was a very loud blast on the whistle by the duty Lifeguard.It frightened him so much he nearly fell off the diving board into the pool.

LOL!!! Would have made quite a splash no doubt!

Lets have a laugh

Have You ever had this experience??!!

Just read an interesting article about sex. It said the average British male has sex 2-3 times per week, while the average Eskimo has sex about 2-3 times per year. Thats fantastic, the information you can pick up, for instance up until now I never knew that I was an Eskimo.

I hopped on a bus today.

After 5 minutes, the driver told me to sit down.

My kind of one liner Judd

A coffin? That’s the LAST thing I need!

LOL – guess you were then ‘hoppin mad’!!!:-):slight_smile:

I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. I can’t put it down! :slight_smile: