Leisurely Scribbles (Part 2)

Property prices are relative gummy, it don’t matter, just like the theory of relativity, it will be sorted soon one way or the other. :icon_wink:

i;ve emailed jem but he is not responding so \I think he has justs given up the internet game OR is ignoring us deliberately or is Dead?

It’s good to leave folks guessing, He (if he was an he) had it nailed in that department :grin:

everyone has forgotten how to scribble and they have no leisure times? back to the good old days heh? now if you were the little fella from Dublin what would you write right now? - ok I’ll give ya another hr! - ps I here via the great grapevine that madame - sweetiepie etc is on a cruise?? hmmm

We are concerned about Jem, I bet he is at Cern, he was very concerntrated :icon_wink:

youhave not got any better in fact you have gotten rotten sotten besotten sofften the rest i have fogotten - jem we is tumblin int ot he abkyss!!

good evening for all those who used to love an evenings scribblely wibbley wobbley tail - just like jemima ducks rabbit in tales of bare rabbit - we first bring you news from Dublin - zilch then \zummersat - \zilch - then brummie land zilch ; the lass from bornmuth zilch - well i have washed down the tomb of LS2 laid a few daisies down in rememberance of daisy and writtien a few poems and hid them in the hidden places betweeen tombs 459 and 705 there ya go happy seasrching!!

It was good whilst it lasted though. :grin: a small club, with the members just looking for a means of escape, which could have involved death. :laughing:

yes the most uniquess group that OFF ever got OFF ON!!

It was good to be a part of, uniquesness only comes along once in lifetime, accept it, and move on :icon_wink:

move on ??? is that on and on and ever upwards or sidewards or wot - move on in circles ; zomboids or trapeziums - talkin of trapeziums I once got trapped in one at a fairground ; not a pretty sight not a pretty sight to see auld humdugs trfapped iln a trapezium that took the shoeshine off a me boots for sure!!

stsill the clown and the midget got me out of that one - one taught me how to keep in smilin and the other how to shrink myself for a moment in time !! get me out of 'ere I think I’m goin OFF!!

ah here we have the boss back again at last - now just sit down there jem and don’t move a diamond drill - now where is that light switch - ah got it ! - jem jem were the hell did he go??

I’ve never known a bloke stay away so long from the yarning pit and not miss his own mates at all?? and if that isn’t irish I don’t know what is??

ok a bit of deep fishin stuff now if this doesn’t work next may need to be dynamite??

wot a wonderful singer is this fella and a step up from val doonican perhaps - never come across him till recently but I am mesmerised and he is still alive as we speak but has stopped international travels and entertainment even though the money can be big - think he’s worth about 5 million summat atm? my auld da must have sung this to ma a few times - sure brings tears to me eyes - come back wots ya name you are forgiven!!

oh and bye the bye spittie is makin an awful mess of the goodnight slot??

Went to a show
Well what do you know
Had to go
One less in tow

Bit like scribbles
From gush to dribbles
Raging rows
And minor quibbles

It is what it is
And woz what it was
Wasn’t my fault
It’s just because

Time got involved
This is tragic
But left behind
Is purely magic

me eyes are gettin weak with all this scrolling down - there must be a better way - did you hear the joke about the Irishman ;Scotsman and Welsh man - no neither did I we need a bloody irish leprechain to chant them all out!!

there was a young fella from Cork
mute from his birth couldn’t talk
he mouthed ‘show me a Jem
and I’ll yoddle again’

who said yoddlin comes before talk?

there was an old jeweller called Jem
if ya thinkin I;m cheating yea ken
he also played with a fiddle
and his kids said he diddled?
but they’d say owt just to make him
give em tens!!

he would sit by the liffey all day
just humming a tune he could play
he said I’ve lost all me pals
they fell in the canals
now I just talk to meself every day?

there is no doubt about and this thread proves it "there is no one who can tell a funny; peculiar;humourus; uncanny; scary; boring; non-sensical ; sleep inducing and Irish lepercaunian story like our laddie Jem! - anyone seen him lately?

ps: even grumpies bike thread is gettin borin now!!

Folks were the templates for the Chatbots, afraid the real folks have got protagonitis due to lack of interest :grin:

well all I can say is that he is a naughty naughty very naughty boy and needs a good spankin!! with a plastic leprechaun garden gnome!!

ya know to walk away like a good thread like this takes guts or death or both - erhmm oh forgot dementia!!