Leisurely Scribbles part 2

Thank you Jem. All my own work :smiley:

hear hear, well penned! the true ones are the best

LINDEN TREE…excellent and wise, something to ponder and apply.

Thank you gumbud and Robert, I very much appreciate your comments.

I’m always hearing people complaining about getting old, why is this? did they not wish for a long life when they were younger, ageing is the most natural thing in the world and I for one count meself lucky to have reached the age I am and have fairly good health.
I wonder if by some kind of divine intervention your ageing process could be reversed, every day you got younger instead of older, right on down to the womb no stopping it, and us older folks mustn’t forget when you get down to 65 you have to go back to work again and then school.;-), how many of us would take up the offer if we had the choice, I certainly wouldn’t, would you? Maybe I’ll say that to the old lads in the pub the next time they start moaning about their age, might make them a bit more content within themselves, though I doubt it.:smiley:

Oh,Jem,I think maybe it’s the pain…when you’re a child,nobody REALLY explains about rheumatism,arthritis,osteoporosis,blah blah.
When I were a lad [it were all fields round 'ere] I was told three things. Constantly,the same three things-with age comes experience,patience and wisdom. Now,I’m well chuffed,coz two-out-of-three ain’t bad. But I really had a surprise when I heard that loud click-and realised it was me. I finally admitted that just MAYBE I was of senior years when it became impossible to get up off the sofa in one move without going “Oof!” as I did so.
Plus,I find I’m not as nimble regarding my short-term…erm…that thing you remember things with…yet I can recall and remember with total clarity my very first day at school. [I was 19-it was approved] So I feel it’s not the getting older per-se that people groan about,but the aches,pains,incontinence and loss of wotsit. I’d happily start work again moving in the other direction time-wise. To think I’d retire when I’m as nimble as a young ibex is quite a cheering thought.

Yes indeed the old pains and aches are a bit of a drag sure enough, but you have gifts money can never buy Pug, either going backwards or forwards, you have a broad outlook on life, an active imagination, and a terrific sense of humour. Put them along with the love of your rib and what more could one ask for, although a few extra bob could be put to good use says you and me, if only to keep the poor barman in a job in my case.;-):smiley:

True,true…though one of ‘those’ sayings that gets repeated through time immemorial is 'If I knew then what I know now"…well,here’s the deal-you WILL! So I could retire at 15 as a genius,with all sorts of knowledge and the youth and energy to utilise it…so when I started drawing ‘laptops’ and ‘iphones’…and even Ciabatta bread [1984 t’was invented] or electric cars and ‘stealth bombers’,I would SO enjoy the nice padded wallpaper…and THEN,I’d explain about guitars WITHOUT STRINGS,that you stand in front of a COLOUR tv to play…and then tell them about my plans for ‘Alien Invasion’ and comptometers that work without an arial…hmm…ok,I think I’m starting to see your point…“Beam me up,Scotty. This place is weird!”

Yes weird indeed my friend, but how about a game of Yuka Duka to settle our nerves.
I was looking to find the oldest game in the World and I see it’s a board game called “Yuka Duka”, found in an Egyptian tomb that was 5,000 years old, it seems this game was so addictive that the players wanted to take it with them to the next World.
Best to be played with four players, the 64 “Dukas” or little round painted stones are placed in equal amounts at each of the four corners of the board or flat square slate, all the Dukas are painted red. Each player is then given two “Yukas”, little short sticks painted yellow, they hold their yukas in their left hand between the index finger and their little finger. To start the game in a fair way a hungry dog is sent into the gaming tent and the first player he bites a lump out of goes first, it goes clockwise after that. The object of the game is to pick up as many of the other players dukas with your two Yukas between your fingers, not so easy when the Dukas and Yuka sticks are round and you could have a piece of your arm missing to boot, if you drop one before you place it on your own pile you are kicked out of the tent to the hungry dogs who now have the taste of blood. The last man left in the tent is declared the winner, some games with more players went on for several days I believe.:slight_smile:

23.30 hrs. 31/12/14

The party next door is shaking the walls
the music is loud and clear
I’m humming a tune no one can hear
and the dog is scratching his …. collar?

Can’t think of a word to rhyme with ‘walls’:confused:

The game of YUKA DUKA… I don’t think it will catch on ,it sounds deadly serious.

That’s true RJ, very dangerous, you had to be a real man to Yuka Duka on a Saturday night. One must realise I was typing all that from memory when I got back from the pub, I didn’t know me Yuka’s from me Duka’s half the time. An ‘Expert’ up in the pub was telling me all about the games the ancient Egyptians used to play, snakes and ladders originated in Egypt, heads of state used real snakes to frighten the slaves off ladders on the site of the pyramids and let out a huge cheer when they went crashing to the ground below complete with heavy hods of bricks, it wasn’t until the union stepped it that an end was put to it, according to this ‘Expert’ fella, you may be surprised but they did have organised labour then for Pyramid workers, and one had to serve one’s time to learn the trade, after 10 years you were a fully qualified Pyramid builder, then you taught your son the trade, hence the saying ‘chip off the old block’ according to this expert, but then all Irish pubs today are full of experts since Google came along.
Experts, and what you think of them, when is an expert not an expert? when he can’t find someone else to blame if he gets it wrong?, now there’s a subject to ponder.:wink:

Thats a full response…I am pondering…more later

Yes Jem, I have heard of unscrupulous Pharaohs, and their Pyramid Schemes.

Indeed Spitty we’ve had our share of those over here, I remember when Omar Sharif paid a visit to the Theatre Royal in the city, the queue to see him went around two blocks, I suppose he sphinx he’s the bee’s knees.

I bet the Sharif had a posse, who thought he was the main Giza.

I recall one of those nutty egyptians being found in a chocolate tomb.

Pharaoh Rocher,I believe…

[I know,I know…coat,door…no charity,some people…mumble mumble…]

I’ll pay that one pug. just watched a doco on the life and times of the real Mary poppins - what an amazing story - stealing babies from Ireland - fighting with waltz dysney in an effort to control the ensuing film whilst making herself a millionaire for life - but what a mixed up lady!

What about Azra Akin, what a Turkish Delight.

Yes I saw that doco a while ago ago Gumbud, some woman alright.