Last to post wins (Part 2)

i see NO spitty and Ez, mmm

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Five day spell in Hospital

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Normally I could spell Hospital in around three seconds.

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Now that is clever

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Hi EZ! :wave: Gosh what happened? Are you ok now? Oh you poor thing :frowning_face:

Well hello there, come in sit down, tea? (Like, proper tea, not hospital tea) :coffee:

welcome back Ez, someone mention tea?

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Yes that was me :+1: 
I just popped out to the shops for milk. Would you like a cake too, or did you bring shortbread? Or some good old fashioned scottish toffee
perhaps not, bad for the teeth is that.

Thanx PK. Home now but still have to go back for further tests. All I can say is it is not a heart related concern.

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nice to ahve you back Ez hope all goes well for the future

well lookie at this ten to six and thats am. and on me laptop, got a new hub from BT but the desktop won’t connect to it and the first appointment from the home help is 31st August

bit dull and overcast but might have a drive out for a walkies along the prom (tiidle om pom pom) thought i’d better stick that in

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Well I can only echo Mr Macy and say that its lovely to see you back here, and I too, hope everything turns out fine and dandy in the future :+1:

My goodness, you are up with the birds Mr Macy! I recall BT going on strike or something, maybe thats why it won’t connect :joy: Sorry, that’s not funny, naughty pixie.

Sounds daft, but have you checked your wifi?

Cloudy and cool here as well, a bit of rain. Neighbours are up and about going to work already! Having breakfast (porridge) then out for a walk :walking_woman:

good morning pix, i have spoken to BT, they think maybe my desktop is too old, i have managed to connect two laptops no prob, and this morning even connected the smart tv and my wife’s “I Player” or pod or is that pud, all these techno thingies drive you nuts dunnit

no probs for the hedgehogs, just checked my trail cams and they are in courting mood, pity its a bit late in the year for them

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Morning Mr Macy :wave: Oh its never too late for some spiky frolicking :flushed:

I like a desktop
they don’t really make them like they used to, anymore. Everything is supposed to be mobile, y’know, carry it with you since we are all so very busy in our lives (allegedly), rushing hither & tither. :roll_eyes: Smart TV’s are not to be carried, obviously
although, did you know you can connect to the internet on them? As in google things. All very strange.

yes managed to re connect our smart tv this morning so we can use BBC I Player and other things, although we have not used it for the internet, i mean we have a desktop, two laptops, and I Pad and two smart phones, they’ll be putting internet connections in toilet rolls next, or has that already happened.

I like my LOOING quiet and peacefull

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“looing” :joy: What a great new word, I’m going to keep that.

Smart loo roll
I’m surprised it hasn’t been invented yet :thinking:

ah!! like it, iloo

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Quick, patent it then sell it to Apple - quids in! :moneybag: :moneybag:

iloo a poo in the loo, new phrase or saying eh!

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I’ll get it put on a T-shirt
that’ll start some conversations :joy:

Poo on your T-shirt? Must be a long one
T-shirt I mean.

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