Landscape photography tip

I was passed on this tip many years ago by a professional photographer I met here at Scotney Castle in Kent.

Ok let me enlighten you why first. When we read we read from left to right and at the end of the line we start again at the left on the next line down
You may not actually notice your doing it but it is the same with a landscape photograph. By this I mean you need a photographic end on the right hand side of the picture for this type of shot

So look at the example I have put up. Here is a tall bush not only ending the picture but also makes one wonder what is further on to the right. It need not be a bush but a building or anything to cause a photographic stop

of course there are other landscapes such as converging lines into the distance or balanced photos with equal items in either side or rule of thirds, this is something I am not writing about before anyone jumps up and argues.


That’s really interesting and I’ve just spent a few minutes looking at images of classically painted portraits and landscapes and I think, unless I’m imagining it, that some of these adopted the same principles. Then I looked at artwork of cultures who read from right to left to see if they differed a bit by reversing the rule. Again I might just have talked myself into it, but this does seem to be the case.

if the photo was reversed to me it doesn’t look right


In the top picture the eye is left to wander aimlessly around


But if you were eg arabic it may well be that that looks right but the one in post 1 wasn’t quite so.

quote “When we read we read from left to right” unquote is what I posted

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I know. Just that it never occurred to me that if we read from right to left then we’d possibly see the world entirely differently in terms of art, pictures, images etc. Thank you for pointing out that trick/technique as it opened up new thought processes to me.

It would be interesting to see a photo of the same subject taken by someone who reads right to left who is adopting analogous techniques to satisfy his/her own audience.

Melgal 70

Here is one for your thought processes then

Looks simple enough but study carefully again and what do you see?

Well equal balanced slopes either side of the stream, so the picture is not uneven or lopsided
Perspective as the stream leads you on to a focal point “the bridge”
Not stopping at the bridge but through it and beyond into the far distance
The greenary interrupted by the bridge colour
the riverside edge to add a bit of interest

So in actual fact it is more comlicated than first viewed.
Hope it helps with others photography what to look for. this guy I met said to me “actually look and not just see”

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Wise words - thank you, realspeed.

I really like this little lesson, RS, it isn’t something I have thought about, but your reversal of the photo where the right hand side isn’t “stopped” as such, made me think. The original photo does look better :+1:

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Thanks for the lesson RS. It’s been of real help to me.

I am no expert far from it and others do post better pictures than me.

However if I can pass on any tips or able to answer questions!!! please ask
such as tips on tripods and tripod heads- or choice of microphones my limited knowledge may be of some help


Ok a little observation test (looking not just seeing)
What do you notice in this photo below? one thing I have not mentioned previously, can you spot it?

Oh such modesty! :smiley: I think you know more than you let on :wink:

Focus? I mean…The castle and surrounding greenery should be more in focus, compared to the front greenery at the bottom of the photo. If that were my photo, I would crop it a bit and take out some water.

no sorry not that have another go more obvious

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Everything is smack bang in the centre?

no none of those have another go, as I said before look and not just see" Hint" or give up

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Ok, last go before I give in. Its too “weighty” at one side…the right hand side has too much going on?