Kiwis Ban Smoking for anyone born after 2009

The New Zealand Parliament has just passed legislation which permanently bans people born since 1st January 2009 from being supplied with tobacco.

The new ban is a part of the New Zealand government’s push to make the country “smoke free” by 2025

The legislation will also reduce the amount of nicotine allowed in smoked tobacco products and cut the number of retailers able to sell tobacco by 90 per cent.

Sounds like a good idea tbh.
A healthy country.
There`s nothing worse than going for a nice healthy walk only to have someone in front of you smoking and i have no choice but to breath the crap in.

Banned from smoking born on or after January 2009. I don’t get that, surely it should be before & aimed at the younger people, not the oldies.

Ok I get it now, brain not working this morning.

Yes it does sound like a good idea, especially to the holier than thou none smoking fraternity…
But giving a government these sort of powers? How long before they ban alcohol, or from keeping a pet…? Should a government elected by the people, to serve the people have this kind of power…It sounds like it’s the other way round to me…The government fix it so they win an election, and then tell the people what they want…Whether they like it or not. Is that democracy?
New Zealand has just deleted itself from my list of places to visit.

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I am sure they will miss you, though I suspect they might feel miffed having their democracy questioned by someone who has no problems with an unelected House of Lords as part of their Government structure.

You do realise that your government restricts how fast you are allowed go in your car and if you disobey this often enough you could be banned from driving for life don’t you? The sods also undemocratically restrict your access to fire arms too.

Governments have these powers because they are elected to make the rules, if you don’t like them you vote them out (Oh, unless they are a Lord or an Earl etc). New Zealanders, like Australians, have that choice every 3 years, not like some countries where they are only allowed to vote every 5 years.


Maldives (or any muslim country) you cannot keep a pet. (sorry Bruce)

But as for the smoking ban, I see this as a good thing. The amount of smoking related illnesses that will be prevented must surely be a relief on the hospitals etc. I personally don’t see it being a control thing :woman_shrugging:

It’s great that they are doing this because smoking for pleasure was the biggest con in the last century. I’m so happy that they have banned it in public spaces in the UK. It creates a terrible addiction making people into slaves of tobacco companies. Giving up smoking was the most difficult thing ever for me. It’s just a shame they still sell the little cancer sticks in UK shops.

Of course you can !
Muslims keep a lot of pets .
They love cats and horses and fish and birds
They are not supposed to touch dogs but still some do keep them .
The Arabs have a special hunting dogs the Saluki and they have sheepdogs for their sheep .

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That actually isn’t true, certainly Muslims in some countries will not keep some pets (a dog for example, pigs are definitely out) but cats are quite acceptable. Varies from country to country.

Edit: Sorry just seen Muddy’s replied already.

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Ok, sorry guys…I just read somewhere that they weren’t allowed. :woman_shrugging: If they are, then its all good! :dog:

Great! I’ll go there if they immediately stop all industrial and traffic pollution.
The ‘clean air’ aspect of it is nonsensical.

Now … to encourage people to be healthier is another matter.
But next, they should tackle the massively obese tonka-sized folk waddling about the streets.

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The Kiwi government don’t care about peoples health, or the state of the air quality. It’s all about control. There are too many contradictions for it to be otherwise.

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They can ban tobacco smoking all over the World for all I care…but…Those who are addicted to it will soon find something else to satisfy Their addictive personality…as Rab says…I think it’s more about control…ban tobacco…what’s next.?

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Exactly May. It’s either for control, money, or vote cultivation…Or all three.

I think it’s better to have legislation which discourages smoking than the laws we grew up with, where advertisers and tobacco companies were allowed to promote and encourage smoking as something “cool” and relaxing!

I rather wish it had been illegal to supply tobacco to anyone in this country when I was a kid - then I would never have got into a horrible addiction that took me many years to stop!
When I was a teenager, other drugs were easily available when I left home and went to live in London but I never tried any of them and never wanted to because I knew they were illegal - if supplying tobacco had been illegal then, I would never have tried that either.

Being illegal doesn’t stop people supplying it for profit and doesn’t stop some young folks trying stuff and getting hooked on it, though - as we see for all the Class A and Class B banned drugs.
I think banning an addictive substance may probably create an illegal black market for it, which in itself can fuel an increase in other crimes committed by addicts to get money to buy the stuff at inflated illegal market prices.

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Quick question … in the UK it is currently illegal to sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 18. Ie, it is a “banned” activity. Should the government remove this law? Was the law put there for control purposes In the first place?

Why won’t the powers that be ban chocolate for gawds sake?..I think I’ve become an addict since the covid lockdowns…and while They’re at it…ban all the things They think is bad for Our health…tell Us We MUST just live on fruit n veg…THAT’LL cure Us!


And have half of us sitting on the toilet all day. Better start stocking up on toilet rolls. :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

or insects…didn’t they try and encourage that recently. Grasshoppers and crushed beetles, etc :roll_eyes:

You could save a fortune by making your own douche/bidet. Hose from outside tap with spray gun on end. Environmentally sound, too.