Katie Hopkins Told to Bugger Off

Katie Hopkins has been told to get out of Australia after breaking quarantine conditions.

As one commentator said, “Why would Scotty allow a right wing nut job into the country when he has plenty of right wing nut jobs in his government?”

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I do not want her back here.

Bit pointless after she was in. Of much greater concern should be the thousands of your citizens being kept out. Not as if there’s any need anymore, not as if there ever was but certainly not any more.

There’s been such a monumental screw up where managing covid the place is riddled with it.

My sincere hope remains that not too many fatalities result.

Really don’t like that woman. Thinks she is a law unto herself that one.

The odd thing is she was contracted to appear on Celebrity Big Brother but no one here has heard of her.

she was brought in to Big Brother because she would stir the pot with her opinions and actions. She gets publicity and the TV channel gets viewers and ratings.

Then, Katie Hopkins stirs the pot with her opinions and actions and gets asked to leave before the show even starts… bit pathetic really - just for opening a door naked without a face mask ?

How pathetic…


Every case of Covid in this country has come from hotel quarantine, we are currently in lockdown because of this.

There are rules in place to prevent transmission, she disobeyed them and quite rightly should be thrown out of the country.

To be honest no one cares what someone from a country with 50000 daily cases and 130000 deaths from Covid thinks about these rules. I hope they fine her $11000 for breaching health orders.

Hateful woman :mad2:. Let’s hope they put her on a boat headed for the Bermuda Triangle. I certainly don’t want her back in this country. Can’t imagine anyone would.

I don’t think even the Bermuda triangle is big enough to dispense with her gobby face! :smiley: :shock: Knowing her, she would claw her way back from its pits and start yelling it its audacity to try and make her disappear!

I am sure GBNews will have a place for her if she comes back here. At least then no one will see or hear her.

I’d forgotten all about that programme! Oh well…

I blame the Chinese…she is an undercover agent, inserted to destroy the Australian economy….trust me…I know about these things.

HAW!..you mean like “Beijing Basil”…:lol: But yes she is one nasty piece of work. I dont wish her back on you there but we sure dont want her either. North Korea?

No wonder we get a bad reputation abroad with inconsiderate people like her travelling the world

Well RS ive lived in England . I found almost everybody very friendly and welcoming everywhere i went. I think wr are the same and the Americans …apart from NYC a bit…are certainly the same. Most Brits ive met here are just like everybody else. A few jerks but most totally fine. I dont think you have any worse a rep tha n anybody else. Thats just me.
People like her are everywhere. Id never heard of her till tonight on the news. She is getting about the same deal as Johnny Depps dogs did. Bugger off or geta euthanased…

Wow! Just one woman and she has so much impact on the world stage?

Maybe getting deported was her intent as being the fastest and most effective way to gtfo of Australia without facing contractual problems having seen what the place is like? It would be quite understandable after all.

I think I might have the answer to your hatred of Australia…your mother was frightened by a kangaroo when she was carry you…right?

I’ve never heard of her either.

OK … she’s been mentioned on OFF before, but apart from that? :102: