Thinking of you this morning Muddy. Have a very safe trip back. Don’t forget to hold your breath as you go via Hong Kong!! Let us know you’re home safely.
Thank you everyone for your kind wished
Safe travels, Muddy. I know it must be bittersweet returning home.
Are you back yet? Muddy. I hope you had a good journey and you haven’t got jet lag!
Your holiday sounded wonderful and all those lovely sights to remember.
I loved the pic of your son with the parrot. I bet it was lovely being with your little soldier boy!
I am just back Art .
I need to sleep for a week !
The journey was OK we had six hours in Hong Kong airport spookily very few people - all of us mask clad .
Yes it was lovely being with my little boy ( all six foot three of him ) !
Muddy, I hope you soon catch up with your sleep!
My two younger daughters only like men who are over six foot three! I have always found, l get a crick in my neck looking up at them!
Ooh Sorry, l forgot… have you got your little darlin Mungo back yet?
It’s good to know you are home safely, Muddy … welcome back!
No just about walked in the house .
We are going to self isolate from my sons house until the weekend ( we are knackered and need to recover from the journey ) as my DIL is an asthmatic and we don’t want to spread the C virus .
Thank you Mags !
Rest now muddy . Glad your home safely
Glad you are back! There is nothing like a virus to allow yourself copious amounts of rest and sleep - and to get past those pangs of heartache in leaving one’s little six-foot-something boy behind :-D.
Thank you cheery people !
Thank you Susan
Good to have you safely back, Muddy. I have enjoyed seeing all the photos you posted - scenery, wild life, and your beautiful drawings.
Did you have to be tested for the dreaded lurgy after your stop in HK?
Thank you Tabs
No no one mentioned anything we are just doing self isolation ( haven’t even picked up our dog yet )
Just heard that Australia has closed its borders to non residents and cancelled all visas .
So we had our holiday just in time I wonder when if ever I will go back there