Just a daily random thought to share.....Everyday

Today was a quiet day here, and I’ve stayed in all day due to thunderstorms. I should have been bored, but…
Time to think, remember, and want to share…

Please share any random daily thoughts that may be rambling about in your with no place to go…


I got out my mini tape recorder, located two old tapes from 2014 and listened to a tender conversation with a long time male friend I had with him. He considered each one of my observations about his adult life, wife, kids (now grown with children of their own), and our own special friendship of 55 years.
I was planning to get rid of these older tapes, but now I’ve set them back in the drawer. Small comforts, to remind me I value and treasure other’s opinions, random thoughts, and that I am also valued! So many times we forget this last part!


Do you tear up when watching TV clips about the kindnesses we can share on holidays such as this one, Memorial Day? Gosh, saluting the flag, placing wreathes on headstones, being privy to tears rolling haphazardly down cheeks, quivering lips of those trying to cover up raw emotions?

I do, sometimes three times a day.
And, I wouldn’t have it any other way. :smiling_face_with_tear:


All my random thoughts go straight into the waste paper basket when “er indoors who must be obeyed” wants me for something or other, usually for me to clear up after me


I wish I could just change some things…but I cannot.
What I do is bury stuff I don’t want to face and look on the bright side of life…cue
A song will bring me back to smiling again…simple


Yes Men are a Messy Lot
They do not See… :eyes: what they do not wish to…

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My random thought, after all these years is, to know when to shut up. :grin:

Or shut down :smile:


since when 1 second ago!
you can fool some but not Moi… :astonished:

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We might be talkin milliseconds.


@DianneWoollie , @spitfire , @realspeed

Whew! Your posts have true merit for random thoughts! I can only imagine how those have been buried within your head for a long time!

Don’t you feel better to have given voice to it?!?! I am laughing, my smile is big.
Now, carry on, and don’t give it another thought (pun intended)!


Dianne, its only right you respond to this one.


Microsecond…Your cornered now and the Vultures will Devore You for Supper… :t_rex: :hippopotamus: where is a vultures when u need one?

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respond I am on auto pilot though

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time to move…nite nite sweet dreams are made of this…

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Today is the first day of the rest of your life so use it wisely, Do a nice thing for somebody else. You will feel better for it plus make someone else happy.


Betcha ya can’t keep that up all week EZ!

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Yes been awaiting for ‘’‘my nurse’‘’ to check over my leg and she still has not arrived…had an early lunch 'cause I am still going to the Ark…Animal Charity Store…I have two good washable Cat Beds to donate to them and they along with the other Animal Charity just up road…by gum., The Hope Store, now independent as was part of a group .We have left some to both of them in our recent Will…that was an easy decision on my part and the feelings it gave me you can’t buy…so yes given a little really does work…

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And the little girls very tidy!


No random thoughts here , just worries ! :smiling_face_with_tear:

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