Joe Biden The Worst President the USA Has Ever Had

Plenty of facts in the article

You can also see the video of him saying it

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Absolutely we should.

for 2024 I’m endorsing Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee for president of the USA.

If you don’t agree with me your a racist bigot and your also destroying democracy because Biden and Harris won the election with 81 million votes. As VP she is entitled to run in 2024 as the Democrat candidate - anything else is overturning the constitution and democracy of the USA, women rights, equal rights and human rights.

If you don’t want Harris and want a white person instead then your a white supremacist and an extreme MAGA !



Well I make no bones about being a white supremacist.


No surprises there

Well I’ve never denied it.

Here, the Leader of the Free World (thats Joe Biden although you wouldn’t think it), describes America in just one word …

Speeches … just like falling off a log/bike, hey Joe ?

Leader of the free world? America? You’re joking. America is the world’s slave master.

It is now.

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What was the one word he was trying to say?

No idea.

I don’t think he does either, he is at the stage where even an auto cue can’t help him.

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Myra Flores (a policewoman) flips democrat House seat Texas District 34 and is now republican.

Obama got over 60% of the share here, Hilary Clinton won it by 22 points … now its Republican.

Biden is the worst president in history, the voters are proving it.

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Yep. It been settled, Biden is the worst president in US history.

Well. It’s final. Biden is the worst President in US history.

And yet, they voted Trump back in. Biden didn’t have a chance to be reelected so they put their heads together to come up with their parties best chance of success and that crashed and burned.

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Reagan was entertainer too and he was a great president.

That’s out dated, check your link it’s been updated.
Biden has finish first place as the worst President in US history

Yes. UK has the freedom of speech too, nothing like, trying to stiffel oppression opinion. Which turned out to be true.

Not this time