Japanese Food anyone?

yes an intersting holiday. Even found out the correct way to bow depending on who you meet.
Pearl diving demo. done by women as they can hold their breath for longer

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Love it - and often cook it myself. My presentation is not so decorative though.
I’m not keen on sashimi as I don’t like raw fish, but love varieties of sushi, katsu, terriyaki and, my favourites, tempura prawns.


Yuk!! I need a glass of wine now to recover from that thought! :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:

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@Maree Tempura made with a mix of plain flour and corn flour is the way to go.

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:notes: “Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner ….:notes::rofl:

Get it down yet, girl!


Thank you, I’ve seen that on some recipes, I’ll give it a try :+1:

Wow, that must have been amazing, I’d love to go to Japan :+1:

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Wowzers, you are clever, I suspect you may be a bit of an expert!

I edited my opening post and put what they are above the photos for you, so you can see what we scoffed! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I would pass on raw fish, but some of the items there look passable.

I like the sound of the tempura. Seems easy enough.


It really is. And on our budget cooking group on Facebook we do do a lot of Tempura leftovers! Carrots, broccoli, parsnips…. They all come out lovely with a bit of Tempura!

I don’t speak a word of Japanese but Google does … :laughing:

Many thanks for the descriptions - all of them sound delicious … :yum:

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I’ve eaten Japanese food on more than one occasion. First time ever was when I was in Tokyo. I was told by my Japanese colleagues that there are only 2 types of Japanese cuisine - cooked or raw :rofl:

I’ve always tended to stick with “cooked” especially when it comes to fish and shellfish dishes.

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I think raw fish is the sticking point for most of us

Still, we should really try it before we knock it

You first! :blowfish::tropical_fish::fish:

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I have tried sashmi - not keen. A lot depends on what comes with it I think.

Also - I find it amusing that a lot of people who turn their noses up at sashmi will happily eat Lox, Gravlax, Smoked salmon, and raw oysters. In USA they even eat raw tuna - as in Tuna Tartar.


I grew up eating Japanese food so yeah, I love it. Sashimi is :yum: yummy if it’s fresh. That’s the challenge for why many people don’t like it.

I don’t eat as much Japanese food now. As a dietary vegan, the options aren’t as varied.


Hang it all - I am hungry now!


It’s true, it’s just the the thought. Plus, like I said, I eat jellied eels so why not eel skin? :rofl::face_with_monocle:

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Well that just killed my hunger pangs! :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:

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You are such a wuss!

How about pie and mash with “liquor”?

(liquor- a parsley sauce made with the water the eels were cooked in :rofl:)


OK, I’m going to try it!

Lots of vegan options in another modern Japanese restaurant in town, I’d treat you if you were closer!

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