I've had my chest x-ray

The mouth ulcers must be very painful Ffosse, no wonder you find it difficult to eat and drink. :frowning:

Try to remember that each day is a day towards your recovery, you have done extraordinarily well so far coping with the after effects of the transplant. Donā€™t give up, find that positive attitude again and you will be home before you know it.

Thinking of you, take careā€¦

Hope you sleep well tonight.

Howā€™s Ffosse today?

Dreamy are you ok?

Itā€™s strange not to have heard from him.

I hope heā€™s okā€¦

It is just over 24 hours since we last heard from him, so lets hope he is just exhausted and needing some rest.

I am getting a little worried, most especially after what I have been through today.:cry:

Havenā€™t you got his phone number Sweetie?

No, I have his email though. I donā€™t think we swapped phone numbers.

I think all we can do is let Ffosse come back to us on here when he is ready. I expect he is probably feeling rather poorly because of his treatment and perhaps cannot face the internet right now. Perhaps he doesnā€™t need too much fuss sometimes.

Ffosse, weā€™re all thinking of you mate. Send us a quick post when youā€™re ready :cool:

Exactly what I was thinking Floydy, the last thing he would want is to be on the internet when he is feeling so rough.

Iā€™m sure he will be back soon Mags when he is ready for a chat. I certainly wouldnā€™t pass on an email address which somebody gave me in confidence either.

Wise words as per usual Floydy.

Wishing you well, Richard.:slight_smile:

Morning Ffosse, thinking of you, and hope you are feeling okay.

Iā€™m hoping Youā€™re just taking a break from the Forum Ffosse and Weā€™ll hear from You soon.xx

Sorry to hear you are not too good, hope you start to feel a little better sometimes all you want to do it sleep or do nothing even watching TV is a chore.

You are in my thoughts and prayers Dreamy.

Morning Ffosse. Hope you are ok.

Iā€™m getting worried now.
Ffosse, if you are in any way fit enough, please give us a quick post. Let us know youā€™re okay matey :-(:023:

Donā€™t worry Floydy, it says on the ā€˜Whoā€™s Onlineā€™ page that he is just logging in now. . :slight_smile: