I've had my chest x-ray

Keep up the positive thinking, Ffosse. Glad to hear you are feeling a little better. You are still in my prayers.

Still thinking of you & sending positive vibes. x

Ffosse, you’re doing really well with all of this, a lesser man would have crumpled long ago.
My best wishes to you for the rest of your current treatment. let’s just hope the after effects are not too severe this time around.
Take care mate :cool:


Life is life, we all die sooner or later, it is inevitable.

You are an inspiration in the way you are dealing with it.

Keep making the most of every day.

Good morning, Ffosse, how are you this morning? I do hope the transfusion has made some improvement for you.

Good morning Ffosse. Hope you had a decent night.

Thinking of you Dreamy.
We all are. X

Thanks, everyone, I had an OK-ish nights sleep but woke up with half my mouth in agony. This is a known side effect - its absolute torture trying to eat or drink, even speak at all. They’ve ordered up a mist spray from the pharmacy that is supposed to help. I thought about bonjela but they say that not much help with this kind of mouth problem. Lots of rinsing with bicarbonate of soda doesn’t help either.

Oh! Ffosse, I hope that problem is only short term. We are all rooting for you here.

Oh dear, it must be awful.
Hopefully temporary Dreamy.
So glad you posted.

I hope your painful symptoms are better soon Ffosse.
Stem cell treatment seemed like science fiction not that long ago! Isn’t it marvellous?! I hope it does the trick and you’ll be back home soon.

That sounds horrible, Ffosse. Will it ease soon, i.e. is it one of the side effects of the stem cell treatment?
Keep us in the picture matey :cool:

Night night Ffosse.

Good Night Dreamy. x

Good morning Ffosse
 hope you had a good night and your mouth is a bit better

Good morning, Ffosse, how are you feeling today? I do hope things are turning for the better for you - and will continue to send healing thoughts and prayers.

Good morning from me Ffosse. Hope you had a good night.

How are you today Dreamy?
We are all here for you. x

Good day, everyone. I’ve been struck down by acute mouth ulcers which means I can’t eat properly not take many hot or cold drinks. So I’ve had quite a miserable time of it. I have managed to nap a lot and this is what I’ve been doing.

I’ve been praying that the mental health side of things doesn’t get any worse and it seems to be true but I’m miserable right now. I suppose 2 days after a transplant it is to be expected, though.

You poor thing Dreamy.
Have a good cry, it helps.

It also helps to either post, or write down your feelings.
I am praying with you. X