I've had my chest x-ray

I’m suddenly very ill. Please all of you of a relgious or spiritual inclination pray for me now.

I’m to be moved to a high dependency unit because my blood pressure keeps falling and despite drugs and lots of fluid, they can’t fix it - it keeps falling. My temperature has been high too. Over 39 and my other stats haven’t been good, either.

In the high dependency unit I will receive greater individual care. I don’t know the survival rate but today I’ve been pumped full of chemo. saline and antibiotics and none of them have worked.

I hope this isn’t my last post, but if it is then I’d like to say thank you to all

Oh Ffosse - and I now must call you Richie - this is terrible. I feel so sorry for you, nobody deserves the Hell that you have been and are going through. It just is not fair.
I really, truly hope you pull through this awful experience mate. You’re a snashing chap and we don’t want the worst to happen.

All I can say is just try to stay as strong (in body and mind) as you possibly can.

Really thinking of you bud.

That means a lot to me, Floydy - I’ve always thought very highly of you.

So sorry you are going through this awful period Ffosse, as Floydy has said above, try your hardest to stay strong in body and mind and I’m keeping my fingers crossed you will get through this horrid experience.

Sending you a big hug and wishing you well again … my thoughts are with you. :hug: x

You’re a great bloke, Ffosse. From our first musings in that albums thread of mine to yours here you’ve been a lovely man. Seriously.
But we must still keep positive, if we can muster any shred of that energy and get you through this.
You ain’t going yet mate.
I’m welling up here.

Here you go, Ffosee. As we were talking about earlier…

I am praying for you,Ffosse,…may your suffering end soon,…you been through so much!..

Oh no, I am praying Dreamy.
Please stay strong I don’t want to lose my lovely friend.
I am holding back the tears. This is so unfair on you. xxxx
You know how fond I am of you, you are like a brother to me.

Thinking of you Ffosse. Hope to see you back here soon mate.

:hug: I’m thinking of you too Ffosse.
Try to stay positive, we’re all wishing you well!
I hope things improve for you soon.

Tess xxx :hug:

Sending loving thoughts your way Ffosse.

Hi Ffosse - sorry to hear you are in such distress. Please, please, try to stay positive. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Hi Ffosse, it sounds like they are doing all they possibly can, so you need to do your bit and hang on in there.
Hopefully tomorrow you will have turned the corner.

Hey Ffosse…sorry to hear of this latest development! I echo what everyone else is saying and send my very best wishes and healing thoughts to you.


I am so very sorry to read you are so unwell. I send my best wishes to you, Ffosse.

I’ll pull through - they are going to give me 3 units of blood and no matter what I’ll still be getting my stem cells on Thursday, otherwise I’d be left without an immune system.

They’re also giving me strong painkillers and powerful antibiotics. It all started with a slight sore head on Saturday but I’m optimistic.

Good luck Ffosse.

You better pull through.
Oh Dreamy I have been praying so hard.
Thanks so much for posting. Xxxxxx

Aw Richard. I have tears in my eyes as I type this. I just want to give you a massive cuddle.

Sending positive vibes your way.x

I hope the treatment goes well. All the best to you Ffosse.