I've had my chest x-ray

I am praying that you are not too bad today Dreamy. X

Yes, itā€™s worse today. In the past Iā€™ve always had no issue with the chemo drugs but Iā€™m shivery, nearly have a temperature - 37.9 - and my appetite is poor. I still managed to eat the trifle for once, but didnā€™t fancy the roast turkey.

Iā€™ve told the hospital staff how lousy Iā€™m feeling and they are giving me extra pain pills and anti-sickness drugs. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s the chemo and not some bug Iā€™ve picked up. I almost never get headaches and they trouble me a lot.

I hope I get better and am able to receive my stem cells towards the end of next week.

Luckily Iā€™ve got my iPad in with me; I donā€™t know what I would do without it.

Oh dear Dreamy.
I am sorry to read that.
At least the staff are keeping an eye on you.
It is most likely the chemo.
I am sure it does that.
Try and stay positive.
We are all here for you.
At least you ate something.x

Yes, Iā€™ve also got ensure pluses - Iā€™ve always liked them. To those not in the know, they are fortified milk drinks which are very calorie dense and come in many fruit flavours.

Things went a bit pear shaped earlier as I developed pink rashes all over my body and my temperature is 39.1. Iā€™ve had painkillers, steroids and all sorts since then.

I believe itā€™s a reaction to one of the chemo drugs ~ I canā€™t think of anything else. But theyā€™ve got me on close obs for tonight. Iā€™m worried that this will delay my stem cell transplant next week.

Sorry to hear youā€™ve had a reaction to the drugs Ffosse, hopefully theyā€™ll get it under control for you soon.

Donā€™t worry too much about next week, just take one day at a time as worrying wonā€™t help you.

Thinking of youā€¦

I agree with Mags, Dreamy, one thing at s time. I am sorry you are feeling so poorly.
You are in my thoughts and prayers as always.
Keep us posted please.x

Hi Ffosse.
Itā€™s another day, another setback for you isnā€™t it mate. I really do feel for you pal. All we on here can do is to wish you the utmost best in getting through all of this with as little pain as possible. I canā€™t imagine what this must be like.

Try to eat your meals if you can mate. Plenty of fluids too. The main thing is mate that we are all here for you. As you know thereā€™s always somebody on here who will be around and Iā€™ve said before - if you fancy a chat in the middle of the night, well, Iā€™m there bud.

You need any music or videos posting, just ask. Old concerts of singer-songwriters etc. I can do that for you.

keep as strong as you can Ffosse, mentally and physically and donā€™t give up mate.

Wishing you all the best to get through this :cool:

And from me Ffosse ā€¦keep posting and I hope you feel better soon.

Thanks everyone Unfortunately I still feel Ill the morning after. Couldnt face my breakfast- just the small bottle of milk I had.

I saw my Consultant and he told me what I already knew. Itā€™s either an infection ( unlikely) a virus (more likely) and most likeliest of all, a reaction to one of the chemo drugs.

He basically told me to expect to be unwell until Iā€™ve received my stem cell transplant and am on the way home.

Oh Dreamy that has worried me.
You are going home, I hope you will be OK.
Oh dear, I will now worry.
Keep us posted please. X

I didnā€™t read Ffosseā€™s post like that SP, I read it that he would be going home after his stem cell transplant :confused:

You are quite right Mags, my mistake as usual.

Yea, donā€™t worry so much, Sweetie, Iā€™m just having a rough time in hospital. Iā€™ll be home in a couple of weeks.

Here you go, Ffosse. Three classic songwriters in concert for you.
Cat Stevens, Al Stewart and Harry Chapin.

Enjoy mate :slight_smile:

Thanks, Floydy- Iā€™ve seen Al Stewart before and he is quality.

Good morning Ffosse, I hope youā€™ll begin to feel better soon. Are you sleeping alright?

Yes I know, I just got muddled, as I worry.
I know you will get through this.
Glad to see a post from you. X

Any more artists you want to see mate? :cool:

How are things today? :slight_smile: