I've become a fitness freak since turning 60

Don’t know about you but I’ve become a fitness freak since turning 60. I go to gym three days a week. This is my routine

1000 m rowing
500m stepper x3
500m rowing x3

Weight training 1hour

Areobics yes I can keep up with the young ones
Finish off with a swim

Am I doing too much


It’s up to everyone themselves, ideally in consultation with their doctor, to decide what the right exercise routine is or if it may be too much. It would depend on the state of their health and their personal fitness. And one should feel good after each training. You don’t say how old you are and whether you did any sport before retiring. Nor do we know how intensive the weight training is. So, it’s impossible for the reader to answer your final question.
Our gyms have been closed since November. Before that I went to the gym 2-3 times a week as a retiree and once a week while I was still working. I usually warm up on the treadmill for 10 minutes and then use the machines for about an hour, which I now do at home as far as possible due to Corona. Then I used to finish off on the treadmill again with a 20 minute run. In addition, I run outside, formerly once a week and now 2-3 times a week.
I’d venture to say that my workout is definitely not too much. Firstly, because I have exercised regularly as clockwork apart from playing tennis since I was 15. Secondly and most importantly, my ambition has always been directed at just this regularity and not at measuring reps and sweat. It has done me good.

Your body will let you know if you are doing too much.

I have never been a Gym Bunny, my exercise is 50 lengths of the pool 5, sometimes 6 days a week. I also do a good walk with the dog every day, and a good bit of manual work around the garden or help out with some of the farm work when needed.

Roxy, some doctors say that swimming is the best exercise, especially for your joints. I only enjoy swimming in the sea & not too far from the coast… but I am not going to risk going abroad whilst Covid is around! :grinning:

For sure. My absolute favourite type of swimming. Here are some of my favourite swimming spots.

My opinion concerning Cass’s question is like most others. Your body will let you know if you listen to it. If you over exercise, you’ll be famished ( extra hungry ), grouchy and a sore but not in a good way. You’ll know. ALL near me and salt water.

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I am 64. I have run hard since my early 20s. I am going to set new records for my local Park Run when I turn 65. Age means s***t, really. If you want to die, then die. Me? I intend to keep going as long as I can. I am slim and eat well, very well. For effsake, develop some backbone.

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