Its all about the Coffee!

Given the Popular Tea Thread, one needs to be made for Coffee! :coffee:


How do you like your coffee? Milky, strong, ground beans? Expresso?

Personally I like a coffee first thing in the morning. Nestle Gusto coffee pod, in the machine, with steamed milk and one sugar.
I also like instant coffee…something mild, mind you - I’m not an aficionado (but open to alternative ideas!)

How do you like yours?


well I was never a coffee man myself always tea - a life long habit and tried various forms of coffee from a jar - usually pellety - so unless it was laced with milk and sugar which sorta disguised it never could ever get into it until one day…


coffee, chocolate and men, some things are better rich

As an Espresso lover, I would heartedly agree!


Freshly ground, not too strong, a splash of cold milk, and no sugar.

Unfortunately - due to a month long bout of both Campylobactor and Salmonella in 2004 - I can no longer drink coffee at all. I do try every so often because I like coffee - but the consequences are not pleasant.


sorry to hear that ST but welcome to the new thread which I requested as I am unable to create my own yet - I’m sure your input will be most welcome!


now where was I - …it always bugged me rather and I would watch those delightful doco in Venice and Italy well all of Europe really with everyone drinking black coffee and in small cups. So I started experimenting and decided well lets go for the best - well almost - so ground coffee in hard pks and for me the simple way - drop it in a cup add boiling water simmer and drink with sweeteners only and when I can afford it a teaspoon or two of bourbon - not scots whiskey !!! - usually no more than two in any one session. I think I have made it with filter paper at times also and my son who now buys all my coffee for me uses one of those rather old fashioned perculators - stand alone one only - two compartments one for water one for coffee and stand on a hot stove to boil.

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Coffee - plain and simple. I don’t do any of that hazelnut, caramel, chocolate nonsense! Just plain old coffee. And, don’t get me started on ‘iced coffee’ :078:

Why mess with perfection!



Exactly - keep it black not slack!

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I have a Nespresso Vertuo with lots of different pods, but my go-to is a flat white in a tall glass cup with an added teaspoonful of demerara.
I have a milk frother too, but I don’t use it every time I have a coffee; sometimes I will just “zap” the milk in the microwave before adding the coffee.
The Vertuo pod system suits me and they do some really lovely limited editions too, just to add variety.
Their Vanilla Princess Cake coffee for example was amazing when they did it - you could even taste the jam in the cake, but it was a coffee & a darned good one at that.

For many years I used a variety of machines and AeroPresses too & had grinders and home-ground coffee but I’ve grown lazy, plus it takes quite a bit of space to have a decent bean-to-cup machine.


there ya go ‘carp diem’ worked well heh!

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You have the best ideas, Gumbud! :+1:

Having spent 10+ years living in Italy where the very best cappuccini in the world are made, I find those sold here in the UK, even in Italian owned coffee bars, more than a little lacking. Having said that, the branches of Costa Coffee and other, independent, cafés we use most regularly have now been trained BY US in the art of making a proper cappuccino - 1/3 coffee, 1/3 hot milk, 1/3 milk foam, no cocoa powder (this is optional in Italy and not many Italians take it). If the cappuccino is not made to these ratios, then we take it back and ask for a replacement.


what would you say are the differences you may have noticed about about black coffee drinking versus other combinations if any? I must admit I am almost unable to drink it if not black these days but must admit to enjoying sweeteners rather than sugar

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as you were something has changed I think and I am posting again?

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Standing down :smiley:

I recently treated myself to a French Press (I had Waitrose/JL vouchers to use up :lol:)

And a cheap grinder:

But I am not a big coffee drinker - there are some biohacking books I’ve read and one of the authors swears by it, so I tried it for a while. I might experiment with it again at some point but for now I use the French press for herbal teas (think we need a thread for those too Pixie :icon_wink: :lol:)


Ohhh…now herbal teas I can waffle about, I adore them!! :+1:

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I like my coffee, Nescafe instant,with milk & a sweetener.
I also like Costa’s cappuccino & surprisingly McDonald’s cappuccino is also very nice & a fraction the price of Costa or Starbucks. :grinning:


I have a Bosch Tassimo, …but I’m addicted to those Latte sachets.


Whenever we’re out, it’s Mocha for me or, if I’m not particularly thirsty, a strong espresso.