Is your hair its natural colour?

Thanks LD, I would love hair as long as yours Rox, unfortunately it doesn’t suit me,…:smiley:


I often wear it up in a crocodile clip on top of my head, keeps it out of the way. I have a lot of hair but it’s very fine and sometimes tangles up too easily. I have to pick my days for wearing it down…No wind, or just on a night out. I’m still toying with the idea of cutting a load off it, just keep dithering about it. :roll_eyes:

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Have you any pictures of the colour your hair is now,Rox?:blush:

That’s interesting, the colour blends in really nicely with the blonde, when she said she was putting peroxide on it, I was worried, she then explained it all to me, it was a very slow acting one, then she put a toner on it after washing…it definitely pays to get it done professionally LD, …Ian only charged me for a blow dry, as he said he hardly took any off, can I ask how much it costs your wife to have it done?

Mine was a £120… money well spent, I can’t stand my hair looking a mess, I don’t feel dressed if my hair isn’t right,:blush:

It looks very natural and very nice Pauline…. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks,Mags, I did say to her, don’t you dare make me look like mutton dressed as lamb,:joy::sweat_smile:.

She did a good job then, I will let her know,:blush:

@pauline3 lovely Avatar! Love the colour!

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Yes a few, Here you are, The one with it up is the way it mostly is. I did cut the bits at the side so they could hang down, it softens the face I think.
thumbnail 6
Very different from what it was ten years ago.
me 01


Crikey Rox, is that your natural colour, I love that style and colour ,it really suits you.

You still only look about 20,:open_mouth:

Both are natural, I was Raven Haired, now I’m different shades of light.

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Beautiful Rox! You’re so beautiful! Love your locks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh yes indeey! Mrs LD always visits her stylist, Paris, the owner of Simply Hair Simply Hair ( Mrs LD cuts mine but every time I offer to see to her’s I’m met by derision LOL!

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£120 !??? Blimey Pauline, I nearly fell of me chair!

I have my hi-lights re-done, wash, trim and blow dry for £40.

Mind you, she is a friend of mine.
I have been going to her for about 20 years or more.
She had two salons years ago, then packed up to teach the hair dressing apprentices at the college. Now she just works for herself at home. Smashing girl, and a long time friend as well.

That’s exactly the same as Mrs LD hands over for her pre-trim wash, then full colouring + highlights … £40 :+1: Remind me never to move to Hampshire, the next county to my west .

I have had a mobile hairdresser for nine years, I should have changed years ago, loyalty was my problem,I went to another hairdresser in Newbury, the problem was, their cuts weren’t precise enough, therefore after around 2/3 weeks I couldn’t manage my hair, yes, it took me 9 yrs to change, with Ian you get a precise haircut ,which usually costs £70 …also this is my first colour in a salon for many years, again I got the precise colour I asked for, so for me, it’s worth every penny, Im very particular when it comes to my hair…the cut will last at least 8 weeks, the colour at least 2 hair cuts in between, so I’m actually saving myself money…my hair is my only real luxury…I’ve binned the nails.

My hair is also dead straight. so, a precision cut is extremely important.

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Pauline, I would never in a million years pay £70 for a haircut. I’d want Vidal Sassoon and a pair of gold scissors for that. That is daylight robbery to me, I don’t care how good the bloke is. You’re lucky you can afford prices like that.

Not sure what you mean by a ‘Precise cut’? If you mean he does it precisely how you want it, well so does my girl else I wouldn’t be going back all these years.

Yes, my hi-lighted streaks are permanent too, so last longer than 8 weeks, depending on how much I want trimmed off.
I usually have just a shampoo and trim about 6/7 weekly, then the colour and trim in roughly another 6-8 weeks. I am not tied to exact times, I just book in when I feel it needs doing again.

I guess as long as you’re happy and you can afford those prices, that’s all that matters.
Perhaps things are a lot dearer down South?

P.S. Just thought of another saving. My friend has no longer got the over heads of a posh salon to pay for as she works from home.

That’s your choice, and yes I can afford it, Ian is my Vidal Sassoon,if not better, :wink:…I’ve had many compliments since he’s been cutting it, plus the main thing is, I’m over the moon with it…:grin:…my hair looks immaculate. that makes me happy.

Er…er… I do my own hair including my own colouring.

Box colour from the Chemist (cheap stuff) not to cover grey, just a change of look.

Pauline, enjoy your treat! You deserve it!

My treat is usually my :nail_care: nails but I’ve been avoiding it recently due to the Omnicron variant running rampant.

I also have a few anti-aging face treatments nowadays :roll_eyes:


The thing is, I don’t have 5 mouths to feed like Mups, which obviously she can afford to do, to me that’s her luxury…so my luxury is my hair, Ian is a keeper ,plus he gets a £10tip…so £80 in total.:open_mouth::wink:

So, in total my hair cost £120…plus £10 each for Ian and Jo.