Is life too long?

my first pay packet at the age of 15 in 1960 was £5 and 15 shillings.for a 5 day 60 hr week. this was broken down to £3 and 10 shilling for lodgings working away from home and £2 and 5 shillings for the actual work as an apprentice. Big money way back then. even working nearer home one had to rely on others for transport.

I can just hear the outcry of workers now if asked to do those hours, they have it too soft

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£2.00 a week running errands for a dental technician in Harley Street after school in 1976.

That could buy me four 7 inch singles or one K-tel compilation of twenty hits from Woolworths .
Life was simple then :wink:

My first job was also when I was 14 for Folkestone’s WH Smiths. 15/- rising to £1 a week for a paper round before school. My round was very middle class so it was all Daily Telegraphs and Times, I used to envy those with tabloid rounds of Daily Mirrors etc

Gawd, that seems a long time ago

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It was a long time ago :wink:

my first wage was $2.17 6 for a five and a half days [pounds by the way only dollars on this keyboard… but the second week i got $5… i think i mpressed the boss… it was on a building site…


Hold down the alt key and press 156 on the key pad to get £ symbol. (my keyboard is $ too)


A lot of people don’t get the chance of a long life.If you are not happy with it go and live in the Ukraine,Sudan or Texas,etc…

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Yep, that’s a fact, one wonders.

Because chaos rules probably, simplifying is the only answer.

Yes life’s is far to short there needs to be an extra 30 yrs added between the age of 40-50s where you don’t age at all … for enjoyment :partying_face:


My Mum lived to nearly 97 and said she felt sad that she would never finish doing all the things she wanted to. She loved knitting, crochet, sewing, patchwork, writing poems, gardening, feeding the wild birds. She wasn’t much of a one for watching TV and liked to be doing something. She said she would like a few more years.

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You are doing well Crabby .
Lay of the Macca completely in fact never eat a sausage again they are full of nitrates !
I think it’s a good idea to use the bus pass to get around and keep warm and talk to people .some people who live alone never see anyone otherwise .


Bus drivers must see a lot of folks, but, I bet they don’t make a lot of contact.


I don’t think it is (if you’re a kind decent person that is!)… and for anyone curious, you might want to check out Cryonics :smiley:

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Some do , my Dad used to do this and the Polish bus driver missed him when he was gone .
he liked to talk to people on his bus and would sometimes make stops nearer peoples homes to help people if the weather was inclement ,
Unlike some of the ignorant English bus drivers who seemed to hate old people .

Exceptions exist everywhere although few and far between, one tends to remember them.

My ex neighbour was a bus driver. He was very much of the opinion that the last thing he wanted to do was make contact with some of his passengers :wink:

What do you think was the root of this arrogance?

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Been sworn at, insulted and and having to deal with some serious anti social behaviour, sometimes involving the police.

In some jobs, that is just another day at the office, it takes some personality to rise above it all, then, there is the possibility that a persons own demeanor can attract such encountered behavoiur.

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