But why would you?
Because we are proud to be British Besoeker…
[CENTER]Inventions That Change Our Lives.[/CENTER]
My deceased grandma’s hand pumped, self propelling, reciprocating machine…Still in use today…:surprised:
Really Foxy… you have a famous inventor in your family. Pray tell, what is a hand pumped, self propelling, reciprocating machine?
Here’s one that will make you fall of your chairs laughing. The Australian indigenous people…(Not sure which nation) invented a cure for cancer. :)…When you’ve finished said laughter and if you’re interested, I’ll supply details. What in twenty seven kinds of buggery does it matter who invented what?..Can’t you be proud of being British without having a …you know the organ…measuring contest about it. We have all invented useful stuff and we all benefit from it. Sheeesh. Ex: What about spray on skin…for severe burns…invented in Western Australia by a British migrant surgeon…( female)…Nothing like a joint effort yeah?
Humans are inherently a bit idle, and, since the mid 40s when the computer was invented, haven’t really bothered to invent anything, in the belief that the number cruncher will do all the work thus allowing much Faffing.:lol::lol:
Maybe so but it wasn’t the point being made. No problem.
since the mid 40s when the computer was invented, haven’t really bothered to invent anything,
Read earlier posts. Plenty been invented post 1940s.
Inventions or Progressions?
The latter.
Well, there’s only one way to find out who’s inventions are best in invention wars…
Only Magicians can invent something, everything else is rejigging what was previously there.
To show what a proud history of invention and innovation we have. Something that’s been lost as our history is slowly wiped away.
Your point was lost. Never mind.
Man is a clever animal. yes as you say there had to be something invented before the others came into being as inprovements. Heck I am only too pleased to list inventions from other nations mart. Imagine how life is today had people not had the intelligence, foresite and innovative skills to bring them to reality. These were the pioneers.
the automobile~~~ Karl Benz
the electric light ~~~ Thomas Edison
the telephone ~~~ Alexander Graham Bell
Radio~~~ Guglielmo Marconi
Antibiotics~~~Alexander Fleming
the airplane ~Wright Brothers~ Charles Babbage
the computer
rocketry~~~Robert Hutchings Goddard
television~~~ John Logie Baird
nuclear energy~~~ Enrico Fermi
Yes, they all played their part in getting us the items and technology that most of us use today. We might not be in the best of worlds because of some of it but we are where we are.
I fear that most of these inventions have set the human race back 200 years Swannie, and will eventually be our downfall…
Just beat me to it Mart…