Introducing Gertie

Yes, you’re right and I am very careful about that Meg.
She is a terrible drama queen though, and I have to judge when she is genuinly upset or just yelling incase.

With her baby soft fluff, everything sticks to it, she’s like a big cotton wool ball rolling along. Twigs and leaves get entwined so easily and you’d think her world was coming to an end the way she carries on.
She looks utterly devastated, and sits down and won’t move until I get her untangled. And Gawd, if she knocks herself or stubs a toe or anything when she’s running, she thinks she needs major surgery.
I’ve never had one quite like her.

I hope you don´t have Plumbago in your garden Mups. It used to take me hours to turn my little blue dog back into a black dog :lol:

No, none of that thank goodness, clumsy. :slight_smile:

LOL!! You know you wouldn’t be without her now, Mups!

No, I certainly wouldn’t Tabby.
She is very special, and will always be loved.