Basildon, Stevenage, M25, High Wycombe, Southend, Maidstone, Crawley, Slough, Reading, Basingstoke, Guildford, Luton, Hemel Hempstead are 30 miles from London .
Where would you like to draw the line?
Basildon, Stevenage, M25, High Wycombe, Southend, Maidstone, Crawley, Slough, Reading, Basingstoke, Guildford, Luton, Hemel Hempstead are 30 miles from London .
Where would you like to draw the line?
Pedants love these tired cliches
there is also such a thing as being stuck on a thread or opinion and not being able to turn around - however one can back off??
Essex!! essex?? OMg why didn’t you say in the first place ; the home of all chaves?? this story could go on for ever!!!
No they are not all actually .
How would you know you left for the outback years ago .
But would you include any as part of London?
well I think the judge drew the line for sure - right across her bumper - the front one that is?
or as my good mate in HK used to say - “two Wongs in the same locker ? - bit tight??”
Go boil up the Billy can or something useful .
I would include Grays you are splitting hairs . Have some cocoa .
sure but this has turned into good entertainment - don’t start till I get back - muddys got stuck in the mud again - wot again??
This is the best representation of London plus counties that I have found:
Dark Blue is the “travel to Work” area.
Of course you would but those in Grays might not.
blues ; grays ; pinks ; reds wots goin on here??
Grays is 2 miles from the M25
Insulate were targeting the feed roads to the M25 in order to cause maximum disruption .
It’s in Essex, NOT London.
this is the british at their best arguin about minutae!!
you’re a very very very naughty boy but I do like you!! john wayne indeed what would he know about four wheel drives and chaves?
Omah it may be news to you but Greater London covers several counties.