Incompetent Liberals

I have corrected your statements repeatedly.
What truth have you proved of a single statement from that was untrue?
Like everything, baseless statements.

Let’s start with that one. What have you got to make that even remotely a fact? I’m ready to answer that.

Trump conspired with Russians did he?

He wouldn’t authorise Putins massive pipeline. Biden authorised it, thus funding Putins military.

He expelled lots of Russians following the Salisbury attack.

He killed 300 Russian mercenaries.

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All of our elected officials are pawns of Corpocracy, that( Corporate money) is how they get elected, and oil is as big as they come. The Russian invasion into the Ukraine presented benefited to both the US oil and arms industries ( the hypocrisy of politics). and that was wrong of Biden, but that does not sway from the fact Trump conspired with the Russians to steal the 2016 elections.

Politics makes strange bedfellows. Religions who have historically been enemies band together politically to drive home a disprovable point, the existence of a “Creator”, all based on the mythologies of Man (species). There have been at least 18,000 different gods, goddesses and various animals or objects worshipped by humans throughout history, and worldwide, some of your biggest political movements are religion based, even the title of this very thread reeks of it. It is fair to say the reasoning of this is the greed of Man (species), for the species itself is intolerant and manipulative, and this is reflected in it’s politics. People fear Liberals for their abilities to think outside the box, forbid one having the audacity to form a thought of their own, there has to be a “God”, and of course this “God” is a “he” (and in some cases white). No known species has ever had the abilities and intellectual potential of Man, and yet, we are still quite ignorant, we cannot seem to overcome our prejudices.

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What scares most people, liberals think they have the capability of thought. Examples: BLM, CRT, Socialism has/should work.

Your true fear, Sir Robin (and the fear of all Right-Wing extremists), is the fact Liberals actually think, and not blindly follow brainless tyrannical leaders. A free, healthy, and economically prosperous society scares the heebee geebees out of you.

You my dear boy, just remember you are not a man until a man is needed. Stand up for what is right. If a person uses their face as a tackle box, that is their right. But don’t expect intelligence from that person. If a person does not understand, there are only two genders, don’t expect intelligence to come out of the mouth. If a person thinks a person’s life is more valuable based on the race, don’t expect anything intelligence to come out of their mouth. If someone can not express themselves with out lying don’t believe anything they say, ever.
Don’t believe anyone that says anything and can’t give any proof from a proven reputable source, don’t believe them because it a habit of theirs.
These goes to show, they don’t think. Birds of a feather, flock together.

Believe it or not, I agree with you on the gender issue (there are only 2 genders), but people are people, and they have their rights, you nor I have the right to tell them how to live. One’s gender , race, , and / or lifestyle does not determine one’s intelligence, look at Donald Trump, rich family, good schools, has not shown his entire life the ability to do more than lie, cheat, and defraud, then comes on the political scene to rouse up the most extreme of Right-Wing following, Christian White Nationalists. Trump has blatantly declared his intentions of turning this country (USA) into a Christian Fascist dictatorship, another 2 bit Iran, absolutely no difference judging by the nuts he is wooing and who is currently supporting him. Now I know what you are going to say “prove it” , but you do not want to see, because you support it. So sir, you may question the intelligence of others ( which you have no right / cause) who differ from you ideologically, but I suggest you look into the mirror and question the intelligence of that person first (which you will not do).

Another fact I have omitted about traitor Don, he seeks (if reelected) to “relax”
the 1st amendment “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” in the name of appeasing his Fascist following.

Here are some facts about “Christian Nationalist”

  1. You added the word “white” (racist)
    A.) The poll finds that a substantial percentage of Black and Hispanic Americans are Christian nationalists. From the socialist news MSNBC).
    B.) 10% of “Americans” are Christian “nationalist”.
    C.) 6% of Democrats are Christian Nationalist.

That is just the start of the statement that fact based.

There is more.

and in true Robin fashion, you try to turn my words around, I said "White Christian Nationalist ". In a recent book with sociologist Samuel L. Perry of the University of Oklahoma, Gorski traces white Christian nationalism in the United States to the late 1600s. Adherents believe in the idea that America was founded by Christians who modeled its laws and institutions after Protestant ideals with a mission to spread the religion and those ideals in the face of threats from non-whites, non-Christians, and immigrants.

Robin, since you have brought up Christian Nationalism, let’s take a closer look:

What is Christian Nationalism ?

Dr. James White’s fine crosswalk article on this subject references Andrew Whitehead, associate professor of sociology @ Indiana University - Purdue Indianapolis and co-author of Taking Back America for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States*]( The book describes Christian Nationalism as follows:
“a cultural framework that idealizes and advocates a fusion of Christianity with American civic life. It contends that America has been and should always be distinctively Christian from top to bottom—in its self-identity, interpretations of its own history, sacred symbols, cherished values, and public policies—and it aims to keep it that way. But, the Christian in Christian Nationalism is more about identity than religion. It carries with it assumptions about nativism, white supremacy, authoritarianism, patriarchy, and militarism.”

Religion and “God” are no more than a cover up for another 2 bit authoritarian regime, it is not about patriotism and / or even “God”, it is about control and manipulation, and that is what Donald Trump and his following are offering the American citizenship. We are a nation of diverse ideology, both politically and religiously, Trump and his followers will never take that away, and it is going to be moderate Christian who help prevent.

No “white” is right there.

Have to add “Christian White Nationalists” to that list.

Just like the other examples, it a deflection of the subject. Little or no history of this.
Let me go ahead a take a knee with everyone that’s still doing it.

Here are some facts about “Christian Nationalist”

You added the word “white” (racist)
A.) The poll finds that a substantial percentage of Black and Hispanic Americans are Christian nationalists. From the socialist news MSNBC).
B.) 10% of “Americans” are Christian “nationalist”.
C.) 6% of Democrats are Christian Nationalist.
That is just the start of the statement that fact based.

There is more

Civic life is the public life of a citizen that involves participation in the affairs of their community and nation. It can include activities such as:

  • Voting
  • Political activism
  • Volunteering
  • Community engagement
  • Serving on a community board
  • Participating in political campaigns
  • Helping to find solutions to problems
  • Helping to make rules and laws
  • Serving as elected leaders

Civic life is different from private life, which is more focused on personal interests.

Spew all the facts you wish, we (true Americans) know who and what Donald Trump and his followers are, unlike the Germans with Adolph Hitler., no difference.

“In 1989, the super rich held $472 billion in unrealized capital gains. In 2022, that figure was $8.5 trillion. While these individuals can live off this wealth as if it were income, none of it is taxed.When I say our tax code is rigged for the rich, this is what I mean.”

I’ve always felt there should be one tax rate for all, no deductions. Now many will say this is letting the rich off, but the rich rarely pay any income tax, and if they do , it’s a fraction of what it should be. With a flat tax rate, with no deductions (no exceptions), everyone pays their part, not just the working class. The USA’s electoral, legal, and tax systems are in dire need of reform, we need to return to a nation of the people, by the people for the people, ALL THE PEOPLE !!! I am a proud Moderate Liberal, I am for the PEOPLE !!!

NSW Liberal MP for Pittwater Rory Amon hss been charged with child sex offences. He immediately resigned from the Liberal Party and from the NSW Parliament.

He was only a young MP and thought to have a big future in the Liberal Party. He denies all charges.

My curiosity lies in whether your posts implies you believe this is what “Liberals” do, because if this is so, you’ve missed a lot of what’s going on around the world (and your country too) by people of all ideologies. Reminds me of the smear campaign by the Russians against Hilary Clinton in support of Putin’s buddy Donald Trump in 2016, of course none of it was true, but when you are dealing with extremist puppets, it need not be. Every form of ideology has it’s extremist sects, no group is immune.

He is a member of the Liberal Party Of Australia not a small “l” liberal. It is a centre right party founded in the 1940s, the other major party in Australia is the Australian Labor Party founded in the 1890s

Because of our voting system neither party is extreme right or left wing they fight for the middle ground. Extremists of all persuasions found their own parties See here:

They have nothing to do with Yank notions of “liberals” in either the Merican Democratic or Republican Partys

This thread has nothing to do with politics of the left or the right it is about the incompetency of one particular party (as it happens a conservative party) in failing to submit its nominations for candidates in time for them to be accepted by the Electoral Commission.

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