Incompetent Liberals


The two R’s have each made more posts than everybody else combined on a subject they know absolutely nothing about.


and this thread was bout something t o do with the Liberal Party of Australia, not liberal ideology and not the US elections.

Maintaining the tradition of internet forums and social media.

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Seems you are not going to let it go, it is obvious what a Liberal is by definition, while it may mean something different in Aussieland (I am unfamiliar with Aussie politics), especially with your Liberal Party, you seem to just need a little something to gnaw on, so help yourself. I explained the reason of my post earlier, evidently you feel the need to make it a major case, personally I do not really care what your opinions of “Yanks” are.

I wasn’t aware I had expressed an opinion.

no, not by definition in Australia as Bruce has explained already - yes it does mean something different here as Bruce pointed out

The NSW Liberal Party is in disarray.

A NSW Liberals branch calls for federal administration after ‘catastrophic failure’ of state division

Northern Beaches Liberals have called for federal intervention over the “catastrophic failure” of the New South Wales division to nominate candidates for local government elections.

This is seen as an attempt by the more conservative elements to take over from the moderates in the party at the state level.

Bruce, not sure if this is a NSW thing - political parties havent been involved in local council elections in SA to my knowledge - certainly not in country towns such as where I live - candidates have just stood on their own merits.

Not sure what federal intervention they want?

Well, that is a moot point. The current NSW Liberal leadership has shown that it is incapable of lodging nominations in time.

The main argument is over whether they had enough resources but there has appeared an element of dispute between the conservative and moderate faction that has surfaced because of their defeat at the state election, this has further muddied the waters.

Political parties are definitely involved in NSW council elections, I wish they weren’t but they are. Independents do get a lot of support. Wollongong’s Lord Mayor for the past decade or so was an independent but he is not standing again so it could have been a contest between the Labor and Liberal candidates but now there are no Liberal candidates at all.

The elections are Saturday week though personally I will probably vote pre-poll sometime during the week before.

The latest news is that the Federal Executive of the Liberal Party will take over the NSW State Liberal Party for 10 months.

Federal executive has requested three senior Liberals have been named as administrators for the state branch – former Victorian state treasurer Alan Stockdale, former NSW state MP Rob Stokes, and former Howard government minister Richard Alston.

They would run the party for 10 months, during the crucial preselection process for federal candidates in the run up to the next Federal Election due to be held on or before 27 September 2025.

The Australian Federal Government is elected for a three year term.

The NSW division has until next Thursday to comply, or the federal executive will exert its powers.

At what level do Australians, not get fined, if they don’t vote

Don’t the people get to vote on the administration that’s going to run the party in that area? Wonder how the people they supposedly represent don’t get a say, in their interests!

It depends on which election and which state BUT I don’t think anybody ever gets fined, all you have to do is say you couldn’t get to a polling state or were interstate. You’d have to be daft to get fined.

Voting is ingrained, turnouts of 98%+ are normal, it is a civic duty.

State or territory Applicable fine
New South Wales $55
Victoria $83
South Australia $104 (includes a victim of crime levy)
Western Australia $20 or $50 for a subsequent offence
The ACT $20
The Northern Territory $25
Tasmania Varies across election types

In an interesting twist, according to this morning’s news, one of the three people named as being an Administrator for the NSW Liberal Party has said he can’t do the job. Late on Tuesday Mr Stokes, a former NSW Liberal frontbencher, turned down the request.

Is it descending into farce?

You do get fined - can vouch for that from personal experience - years ago when I forgot the polling booths in SA closed at 6 - they used to close at 8 - and I didnt get there i n time to vote and they didnt accept my excuse and I paid the fine

It wasnt much but it was a fine

Of course if you have a reasonable excuse - you were i n a car accident or unexpectedly went into early labour or something yourr fine would be waived

However voting is only complusory in federal and state elections - it is not compulsory in local council elections - which this thread was about.

Voting in Local Council Elections in NSW is compulsory

Yes I presume members of the party i n that area would get a say (am not a member of a political party myself and am not in NSW but I know how committees work) - I presume they would of had a committee meeting or a vote or something and voted to ask for federal intervention - as per Bruce’s post upthread where he says they were asking for federal intervention

OK - I stand corrected.

Must vary by state

Voting in local council elections is not compulsory in SA

I expect the lack of party politics in local councils here in SA is linked to that difference.

Yeah, sorry. I have learned to be aware that what applies in NSW doesn’t apply in other states.

Especially when it comes to beer measures!!! I keep ending up with a middi in SA. Bastards! :icon_wink:

yes indeed - never mind local council election differences - they should get their beer measures right :rofl: :rofl: