I'm a Celebrity is back on soon

Both hellraisers, both have a history of drug abuse…both nice, funny, sincere and caring.

REAL people in other words. Unlike Katie Price or Lord and Lady Hamilton, or Lord Brocklesby lol!

I’m cured ! I’m cured ! Since BB and IACGMOOH started I’ve been addicted but I managed with out last two or three BBs and have no interest in this IACGMOOH either. What a relief :mrgreen:

John Lydon has no history of drug abuse.

i wont be watching this…Aload of Hasbeens, that wont stay in the jungle for more than 5 mins, but still receive there payment, plus all they all do is SCREAM, the Men are The loudest…:slight_smile:

I think Your find He Has Floydy…:confused:

Celebs? who needs them? My friend Jane got told to leave the audience during a filming of deal or no deal. She does have a very loud laugh.


Be interesting to see how Adam Thomas is written out of Emmerdale for his jungle stint! I don’t like his character so wouldn’t be upset if it was permanent.

He’s not on screen that much these days but trying for a baby with Victoria he could just disappear into a barn and not come back out :wink:

dont watch Emmerdale…

not heard of some of them…I Like Larry Lamb…

No he hasn’t, Cosmos. Read his book.
He may have had a few spliffs, as they all do, but nothing stronger.
And he says, he has seen too many of his friends destroyed by hard drug use and has never had any interest in them, Plus, he had meningitis as a kid and the drugs and pain he had to suffer then decided his lifestyle from then on.

I like ‘people watching’ Cosmos :slight_smile: I don’t watch formulaic dramas (unless they are classic stories ) I am sooo old I have heard every plot and permutation of a story line before :lol: People are fascinating .

yes megs…People are Fascinating…:wink:

Hmmmm, not too sure about that, floydy.

I remember an interview when asked if he’d done Heroin.
His reply was rather clever
“I don’t like anything that sedates, I like high octane living, I like fast”
Cocaine? Speed?

Don’t forget he was going for US citizenship, given the reputation of the Sex Pistols and Sid Vicious I’d excuse him for fibbing…:surprised:

Who remembers Dean Gaffney? Hilarious. :lol:

You mean it’s spread all the way to ITV studios in London? :lol:

Yes I have that as well.

I don’t watch it, I think its disgusting to watch.

Bring back Challenge with Anneka Rice.