If you could permanently delete one song from the face of the earth, never to be played or heard by anyone ever again, what song would it be?
I don’t have strong feelings about songs I don’t like, but maybe one of those music memes. I could do without the Rick Rolls or the Gangnam style dance.
[Caution: don’t click on these videos if you don’t want the songs in your head all day.]
I often switch off the radio part-way through a song because what some people may hear as a song, I’m hearing as just a horrible racket - there’s too many of those to list!
I wouldn’t choose to stop anyone else from listening to them, though - one man’s meat is another man’s poison, and all that.
The Wheels on The Bus go Round and Round
When I was working part time as a classroom assistant I can’t remember why but one of the staff played that bloody song over and over and over and over and over again. At risk of being perceived as a grumpy old misery killjoy I was seriously beginning to lose the will to live!