Yes, it is a bit out of place here, isn’t it?
It belongs face to face, after the third party has been frisked.
It has happened, but certainly not in the last 30 years.
The last man in question was about 20 years my junior, I told him he was young enough to be my son & I wasn’t interested.
A friend’s hubby did make at pass at me after giving me a lift home. He regretted it!
Neither of us mentioned it again and it was not necessary to hurt my friend by telling her.
Were you speaking with Forked Tongue.
I would never tell my friend, even if they broke up. I might confide in another friend and we would both agree he was a rat. Ultimately though, such behaviour is highly insulting to both women.
different nuances - no spittie it’s not all sitting around a table holding hands
wife and I were in a social group did dancing and nightclubbing and xmas events and beach nights - you got the pic? and one particular woman was always flirting - nothing heavy just light stuff -
yes spittie that is holding hands now! -
but her hubbie knew it and she did it in front of him - I have always described it as old style english flirting or maybe french and italian too? - but it never got serious or out of hand - there must be degrees of flirting heh?
He probably didn’t care enough .
I would probably start dropping hints that maybe that person isn’t for them… sort of nudge them into investigating whether they were being played or not
Tethering an Ego is a complicated business, there will never be an algorithm capable of it.
It happens to me quite a lot. The only problem is it’s my friends husband.
Just make sure EZ, that somehow, you ain’t sending out confusing signals, it would be a bugger if you were unintentionally complicit.
I know what you mean, you have to be so careful, just a smile can give the wrong impression…that happened to me once, I am a very friendly person, …in fact I realised I was over friendly…one guy I knew said, I know you fancy me it’s so blatantly obvious……all because of me being friendly…that was my turning point.
Its all about chemistry Pauline, some Geezers (and Birds) have their Cholesterol controlled, the Adrenaline level medicated, but, there are many Old Folks milling around with dangerously low, unattended Bromide levels.
Pffffft!!! As if that sort of thing would ever happen to me!
Yes, when young, there are a lot of friendly folk around, as you go through life, the friendliness should develop, sometimes in some instances, it is stunted, it is known as stuntlechism.
There is nothing worse than blokes who think they are gods gift to women ( and so often they aren’t ) .
Some look upon civil conversation as a sign you fancy them when in reality you are thinking of how to ease out of the situation.
In the days of bring-a-bottle house parties in the 1970s, these flirty situations went on quite a lot. I don’t think anyone told about it.
People dont just make make passes without some encouragement…it would never get that far with me although I do tend to miss the obvious sometimes