Ideas For Saving On Heating And Keeping Warm At The Expense Of Others. Any Suggestions?

It was cold in my house today and l dare not put the central heating on so much.
It then made think of some good ideas on how to be warm at someone else’s expense!

My first thought was, to catch a bus. As well as saving on fuel, the heaters on the bus would keep me warm. Especially, if it’s packed
My next thought, was to visit the library and sit in their warmth but decided instead to go into warm shops.

Luckily, the sun was out today and l got lovely and warm standing in the sun waiting for a bus!!

As l was waiting, l was thinking of other ways to keep warm. Maybe spend so many days a week at friend’s houses and they spend some days at your house, so that it’s fair.

Cuddle a stranger was another idea. We could wear a sign, that stated… ‘Cuddles Welcome’, for those that welcomed sharing their warmth!
Get a big dog and welcome it onto your bed at night to keep you warm, or on the sofa in the day!

Go to bed at about 6pm and watch television, just to keep warm. You could even wear your coat in bed!

Yes l know, these are all bizarre ideas and recommendations but my imagination tends to go that way!

So l ask, can you add to my bizarre suggestions, or even add sensible ones, on how to keep warm at the expense of others!

Become an MP and let everyone else pay your bills and expenses.


I just had an old greenhouse removed from my garden I’ve saved some of the wood for the wood burner in the house… free heat :slight_smile:


Dig a large hole in the garden, steal a bale from a farmer and make yourself a hay oven for you to live in.


time for those long winter bloomers then, the knee hugging type. dead sexy thems is


Spend all day in the pub, arrive early, get a seat by the fire, with a half bottle of vodka in your pocket, order half of coke.


Borrow a cuddly bloke to snuggle up to, set fire to the neighbours house, have an indoor bar-b-q, go to the pub, sit on someone’s car bonnet after they come back from a drive, go to the laundrette and huddle round the dryers! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Requisition one of those display sitting rooms in IKEA and stay in it all day.

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i don’t intend doing anything like all of this, just wait to see if it happens, and chill

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Don’t you mean a ‘Line of coke’ d00d?


Just turn the heating up Arty and bugger it!..Somebody will pay, and there will be plenty out there worse off than you…

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Dig out your old ski gear that’s in the attic and wear in the house .


…so why not work towards joining them? :wink::sweat_smile:

Mind you, shrouds don’t have pockets!

funny you should mention that, me and my friend were in a coffee shop today saying how its a good idea to stay in coffee shops chewing the fat for hours with friends.

Another top tip is to become a professional mourner and hang around crematoria all day. The chapels are always heated whenever I’ve attended a funeral.

Plus, of course, if there’s a large crowd you could always gatecrash the wake afterwards as there’s a fair chance you’d get away with it and thus get some free nosh and often the first drink from the bar is free too!

Has covidness disappeared from your consciousness?

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For the opposite reason I go to the shopping mall on unbearably hot days to enjoy their air con, I sit in the armchairs or sofas that they provide and read a book.

Or I just go for a drive.

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Can’t afford the petrol to do that anymore for an ad hoc luxury.

Here’s a good way to afford using your heating when it’s cold, or using energy to cook a meal: Get rid of your smartphone, cancel your sky contract and stop buying lottery tickets or wasting money sending it to charities. I get fed up with people who say it’s either ‘Heat or Eat’ when they chat for hours on their phone, would prefer to watch the latest films, and swan around in the latest fashions. Priorities are all wrong these days.

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Like you Art my house was cold yesterday I put on a vest ( not a horrible ugly one from olden days but a nice lacy one ) a jumper a fleece jacket and over that a heavy cardigan and my nose and hands were still cold goodness knows what are we going to do in the winter its worrying .

However I shall go free on the bus into town and go into the library for free and read their books . Or visit friends but their homes will be as cold as mine so maybe not . I’m trying to think now how the hell can I keep warm in the winter being on a bus all day i may catch covid even wearing a mask .

Oh my

Edited to add perhaps I should wear one of those thick white olden day vests as well

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