Iceland to give over 60s a 10% discount

Iceland is going to give over 60s a 10% discount

It’s going to be every Tuesday and you have to shop in store, not online

Will you use it?

I think I might, they’ve got one of their superstores in a town near me and they don’t just sell frozen food.

It might be worth stocking up on washing powder and other basics too

10% is quite a large discount

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I didn’t know about their discount Maree, so thank you.
I do use Iceland, so that could be handy. :+1:

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Thanks for the tip @Maree. We have an Iceland just up the road from us, so it won’t even incur any travelling expenses, less than a quarter mile walk!

Iceland is a long way to go just to get a 10% discount.

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But you get the Northern Lights thrown in……or is that traffic lights?


@Maree - thanks for the heads up, Maree, we have several Iceland stores here - so it is good to know about the discount.

Oh that’s nice! Well done Iceland. I go there sometimes, and it’s always well stocked and busy. Do you need to show ID? Asking for a friend :crazy_face:

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Bus Pass or Driver’s Licence, Pixie.

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Oh well, at least they are making sure then eh? :smiley:

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I would give it a try except parking is a major problem for anyone banking on buying a car load. My local Iceland backs onto Morrisons car park and unless using Morrisons for an over £25 shopping session, the car parking charges are prohibitive. If spending over £25 in Morrisons, the parking is charge exempt, but if choosing to shop in Iceland, then the full parking charges apply AND it’s constantly ‘policed’ with zealous wardens looking to issue a fine.

I’ve never been to Iceland. Any recommendations?

Someone mentioned the boneless trout, I’ll get a bag of that. :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think they are offering 10% discount to the over sixties Maree, They added 10% to all the other prices and waivered it on a Tuesday for all the over sixties… :017:

I’ve just shopped at Tesco and spent £35.38
Because I have a Tesco loyalty card I saved £3.56…So that comes out around 10%…And that happens every time I shop at Tesco, not just on Tuesdays (which is my bike riding day anyway)…

It looks as though they are, Foxy.

hey foxy if you spent £35.38 you only get 35 p on your loyalty card it’s 1p to the £1 spend

Tesco have Clubcard prices which are sometimes very good

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I once worked in the invoicing / accounting section of a supermarket head office and I saw how crafty their pricing structures and “special offers” were - raising prices then dropping them to make customers think they were getting a bargain on special offers.
The basic “psychology” doesn’t change much, though the details of the schemes may vary.

I do note the prices of things I regularly buy and mentally compare them between the different supermarkets when I’m shopping and I take advantage of offers that are good value.
I also notice some of the ploys they use to make customers think they are getting a bargain or to push people into making certain choices.

The Clubcard prices, for example.
In Addition to getting Vouchers to the value of 1% of amount spent, Tesco offer you a “Clubcard Plus” Option - which gives you 10% off two shopping Bills per month - but they charge you £7.99 a month for that, so you’d have to buy a lot of stuff to cover the monthly fee before you started saving money. That may suit a large family where the parents are working and time for shopping around is limited but the chances are that if you shopped around in other supermarkets, you’d find savings on a lot of the products that aren’t on offer in Tescos that day and you may save more.

Then there’s the Clubcard Offers for people who have a free Clubcard - which often look like great savings.
I have a free Clubcard so I can take advantage of the Clubcard offers but I am not fooled into thinking I am making the huge saving they claim - when I look at the price they are charging people who do not have a Clubcard, it is often way above the price I would be prepared to pay for that item - the “non-Clubcard” prices are often inflated way above the average price the item is being sold for in other supermarket chains.
Chances are, if you looked around the other supermarkets, you would find that item for much less than the “regular” non-Clubcard price, so I take those “Clubcard savings” claims with a pinch of salt.


I also saw something about Morrisons misleading customers over their yellow sticker reductions. They weren’t value for money at all, many were finding out.

With all due respect Tabby, I wasn’t saying that Iceland weren’t offering a 10% discount to all over 60’s on a Tuesday…I was saying that everybody else was paying 10% more and that’s how they could justify the old geezers discount.

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I saved £35.38 on the items I bought that were special clubcard priced Wishbone…The 35p is an extra saving and comes in the shape of coupons.
Most of our shopping is done at Tesco and we save the coupons up to spend at Christmas. It amounts to quite a wedge …

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Thanks Boot, I know that our savings are not what they seem, but the Tesco is local to us and I would still shop there even if they didn’t do a loyalty card, but since they do, I never look a gift horse in the eye…