Iceland to give over 60s a 10% discount

I noticed that when our local Tesco was changed to a Tesco Express, the prices went up on most goods, quite a bit. Before when they reduced sell by that day stuff,it was about half price, now they take a measly 10 or 20p off. Also brought in self service tills that only take cards, and reduced the number of checkouts. I think I’ll bugger off to Iceland as well! :disappointed_relieved: :rage: :frowning:

Sorry, Foxy, brain was not engaged - will lubricate it with some good Yorkshire Tea!

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No problem Tabby, next time I’m at M&S at the Vanguard we’ll have to meet up and I’ll buy you a cup…I believe it’s Yorkshire tea they sell…

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I’ll keep you to that!

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I don’t think lceland are as cheap as they used to be. I have noticed their prices creeping up for a while now.
I don’t think giving you 10% off your bill would make a lot of difference now.