I went there, finally

@realspeed I have been thinking of getting one of these for panoramic shots. So I finally took the plunge. I’ll call it an early Christmas present for myself. Which is good, I usually just give myself money.! It’s only 1080p, but the 4k model was too expensive for me.



Do you have to have a license or something for those there? I think we do here.

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No, but you are limited where you can use them. To keep idiots from hurting people. I will only be using it out in the country, well other than the test drive. :grinning: :grinning:

They tightened up the laws here after several idiots were flying them over airports, I think.


There used to be one around my location constantly buzzing in the Summer and being a thorough pest when out trying to get an all over sunning. It’s no longer a pest since my slingshot disabled it. It fell somewhere over the rear of my land in dense shrubbery and there it will stay :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I worry that using it in the country side for panoramic shots. I am going to be watching a hawk or eagle fly off with my drone. :thinking: :sob: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Danny that brings back memories…Husband use to be a member of the local Model Flying Club in Bexhill…which is on the South Coast…Lots of funny stories through mishaps and some amazingly reckless flyers that scored…
One day we arrived at the field and there was this Balloonist…all the gear laid out everywhere and the space he needed seemed vast… and having never been ever close to a laid out ‘‘balloon’’ with all the straps being sorted before he blows it up with the gas …I am now guessing this…was a sight we shall never forget…The field was right opposite the sea so that is where he was going to hopefully go…Seems the wind has to be just right…too harsh and it tips it and not enough and it does not get drawn upwards…
Dromes started to appear with the model airplanes and the helicopters…so have seen the models close up and can see the fascination, but you just need to be sensible that’s all. I never saw any of the hawks chase one but then the other models can be noisy…so maybe that keeps them off…
Good Luck with that piece of Kit…


Quite right. I got it because there are times I want to get a shot, but can’t get a position I like for whatever reason. I really don’t see myself using it a whole lot. Certainly, when the new wears off it’s just another camera to me. :thinking: :grinning:

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does it come with the screen unit?

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It comes with a controller that holds your cell phone for screen. You can use hand gestures to control it as well.

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This one doesn’t let you hear it , but I’m not crazy about the loud buzzing it makes.

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no good for me then as I don’t have a cell phone. Why don’t they sell it as a complete kit? seems a bit of a con to me, bit like buying a laptop without a screen.


I take that back . It looks as though they all use cell phones. I agree, that’s stupid. I’m sure that they make one it’s just hard to find because nearly everyone uses a cellphone.

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Did not realise it was so small…just listening to the video…
It is like many gadgets…you can get a model plane complete kit or in just the parts you require…gives you choice and not a con if you know what your buying…with the model planes the choice of the controller is very important…Husbands first model plane… that he never got to fly…oh dear never mind :icon_rolleyes:
came with a controller…very basic and then when his instructor let it fly into the sunset the controller was useless with his other planes he purchased…so went for the Specktram DX7EU which is quite old but works well still.

about the size of an average hand…
with new techno… that is how it is Danny and I am not surprised at all.
Getting a smart phone is getting more important…


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One of the main reasons I got the model I did is because it has a take off and land button. I am a photographer, I don’t feel the need to test my flight skills too much, I’m pretty sure crashing is easy.
Aerobatics I’ll leave to others.


Husband had a terrible teacher and for that reason never gained any confidence, is mad seeing… when I look at his chalet full of gear… maybe could have kept me in the luxury he promised me…50+ years ago,now that is a CON… :smiling_imp: :joy:


What about Sheep, horses, cattle etc Danny?
Do you think it would spook them, I wonder?

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I don’t run into that problem as I would probably be trespassing if cattle of any kind were present. It’s not really that loud. Buzzes like a bug zapper only a little louder. Plus being a nature photographer mostly I have the mind set of a hunter, and keep quite mostly.
My plans for it are mostly landscape.

Oh @Danny you’re going to have so much fun with this! My 15 year old grandson has a really good one, that his dad bought him for Christmas last year, as he is so into photography. Some of the photos and videos he takes are fabulous. I shall be looking forward to your uploads!

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The one I brought down was far too large for a raptor to engage. The perving idiot owner did not replace it, or if he did, he did not fly anywhere near my land again. Had it been small I doubt if my steel catapult would have been accurate enough fro my 20mm BB’s to shatter it. I didn’t go looking for the wreckage, but I guess it was 30 or so inches between the rotors and very noisy,

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