I’ve turned my rental property into a multicoloured pad on the cheap –

Dubbing herself the “Queen of Cluttercore”, a maximalist decoration technique which “embraces organised chaos and clutter”, Natasha will have to strip much of her property when she moves out.

  • :astonished:

This looks horrific…!

Eek! You would need to wear dark glasses all day long to live in that! :open_mouth:


I know! I mean, I’m all for a bit of colour but that is horrendous! :tired_face: :exploding_head:


I like bright colourful decor but I’m afraid my head would be in the toilet pan more than anything else :thinking:


Good grief! What was the landlord thinking about when permission was given. Our tenants all sign a clause that forbids any redecoration that does not meet our prior approval and its co-signed by the guarantor too.


Well, I’m decorating my HA flat, and asked them if I could paint the cupboards to match the decor. (Which is a subtle bluey grey, in case you were wondering) They said no, and I was fine with it. This girl looks like she went hell for leather in making her place look as bizarre as possible! Heaven help her when she comes to painting it all magnolia again! :joy:

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OK. Who the F___ painted the walls Jackson Pollock? I couldn’t live a house that looked like a box of crayons exploded. :rofl: :rofl:


Yeah, deffo a load of old Jackson Pollocks :+1::grin::point_right::innocent:


See there’s a difference between being a bit eccentric and still maintaining a bit of style. This looks like a gang of 4 years just went banana’s on her house!

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As someone who deals with art and color a lot. It bothers me that there is no scheme no pattern. Just a bunch of colors that don’t match thrown around. MY OCD alarm bells going off. :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


Apparently is a “thing” though. Its called Cluttercore.
'Cluttercore': the anti-minimalist trend that celebrates mess - BBC Culture
Those imagining week-old cups of tea and discarded pizza boxes associated with the word “clutter” will be disappointed. Even famous scenes of disarray such as artist Francis Bacon’s bombsite of a studio wouldn’t cut it. Cluttercore offers vibrant (but never grimy) explosions of colour and texture, patterns and prints, kitsch against classic. “‘Clutter’ suggests something chaotic to me, so it’s fascinating to see this sort of intentional approach to clutter,” muses Howard. “It’s more creative chaos.”

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I love it. They have no sense of style. So they make a style out of having no sense of style. Sounds about right. :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


Well…yeah, I suppose so. The style of no style…no, can’t think of any way it pleases me.

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I would let this artistic gentlemen lose with his brushes in my humble abode:-


Would you let your tenants do this if they were artistic, LD? :joy:

If Larry did their decoration, I would say go ahead :+1:

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Bet you would raise the rent accordingly too


If Larry did my house too, I might even consider a reduction :wink::innocent:

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It’s a firm no from me!
What goes on in that person’s mind?
I prefer a clean uncluttered look with a neutral colour palette


I would agree…although I do like a splash of colour accents. And I don’t mean like this…I mean colourful accessories, like a throw or a few cushions!

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