I might do something out of the ordinary again this weekend

I thought I might do something out of the ordinary again this weekend; I say again because I also thought it last weekend. I won’t do anything out of the ordinary, but imagining that I could if I wanted to, gives me something to look forward to. I don’t quite know how that works, but it does. Even though I know I won’t be doing anything out of the ordinary, and even though I don’t know what I would do if I did do something, I can still, somehow, manage to look forward to it. Amazing.:slight_smile:


Keep taking the tablets Harry oh, and don’t ride your bike… :lol:


Imagine that!

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Have you started it yet? :-p

I like doing something ‘ordinary’ :slight_smile: it provides a sense of stability something I have lacked throughout my life.

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What are you doing today that’s ordinary Meg? :slight_smile:

Had this thread been posted by someone else, and I were the one reading it, my opinion of it would be pretty much the same as I sense yours is, Rhian. :slight_smile:

Does this come in English?

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It would be interesting to see what Google Translate makes of it. :slight_smile:


Ha I like that!

I ran it through my Gibberish Translator…which came back, ‘ERROR 404’

Is that code for “light the touch paper and stand well back”?

I hope so…it’s far too quiet here :lol:

That wasn’t necessary, I checked it for authenticity before I posted it. :cool:

I think it comes under gobbledegook or Unwinese…

I do agree :lol::lol:

I think you have what is known as the Walter Mitty Syndrome Harbal. It doesn’t hurt - in fact it can be quite pleasant if it doesn’t get out of hand :wink:

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I am surprised Vlad is having difficulty with this Harbal. Have you seen some of his threads. He’s been getting away with it for years. :smiley:

And you don’t actually believe your own fairy tales :lol:

What’s all the fuss about? Where in the rules does it say you can’t post rubbish? :017::102:

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