I love watching this australian couple

let me put you in the picture Slaiman and Kate have been going out together for over 6 years pranking a lot of the time.
Some good some well hurting feelings.
Recently they got engaged a fantastic moving video worth watching

This one below makes me hoot with laughter the way Kate twists around his scheme. watch her expressions their priceless

What an irritating pair of people. I think it would be a great prank for Slaiman to shoot himself in the head.

No point in watching, if you are correct Harbal.

I don’t think they are, just a young couple enjoying each others company and life in general. Of course it takes all sorts, from the downright miserable who don’t like seeing others happy to those who appreciate People having a good time

Ain’t seen the original, that is good because it’s just guesswork, why give your goodtime to world, unless you need conformation of your good time?

How can anyone be happy with a name like “Slaiman”? :102:

Haven’t you posted these same two twerp before RS?

Not my sort of humour, sorry.
I think that bloke is like a rather silly schoolboy, but good job we don’t all like the same things.

Nor mine Mups, rather childish rubbish.

That’s why I didn’t watch, just guessed.

What a miserable attitude, Mups, you just don’t like to see two idiots enjoying themselves. :slight_smile:

Now THAT made me laugh. :smiley:

THat one went well RESP…:005: But if you enjoy them…that’s all that matters. :slight_smile:

Some like and some don’t like but what I would say is if you haven’t seen the other videos they made you would not know how much in love they are. Maybe seeing more will help understand , his family are Lebanese and she is English but parents moved to Australia when she was young. Nothing wring in pranking as long as it is not vicious.

Maybe somebody who is Lebanese? And by the way there goes that term “idiot” again. Not a problem for me at all but it just strikes me as very curious when people see something that they don’t like, think is silly, is not to their taste or somebody expresses an opinion they don’t care for how often they target their intellect and brand their target an “idiot”. For example, I like many Australians, have an intense aversion to Morris Dancers. They look beyond ludicrous…to me. I don’t personally see them as being at a much higher level than pranking. But I respect their right to do what they do. I respect that they are an English tradition. And I don’t expect that anybody here would agree with me. It’s a personal thing. And I don’t assume that they are all “idiots.”

I watched for a minute or two.I don’t get it.They know they are being videoed and do pranks so no one is going to be taken in by any crazy idea.
They may be having fun but it’s not entertaining for me.

[quote=“Psmith, post: 2089477”]
I watched for a minute or two.I don’t get it.They know they are being videoed and do pranks so no one is going to be taken in by any crazy idea.
They may be having fun but it’s not entertaining for me.[/QUOTE

That’s the other side of it Smithy. I thought that. IT’s not as if they are being candidly shot (Not in the head with a gun…sorry Harbal)…With a camera crew. It’s hardly spontaneous. They are acting. The thing is as far as I know it’s a numbers game…isn;t it?..They get subscribers who pay for much longer and more detailed content…LIke “Awesome Alanna” Have you seen her?..She really is hilarious. IT doesn’t matter if some people think they’re idiots. Many lap it up and they make money. But no, not to my taste either. I spend enough time looking at music on you tube.

He is a qualified lawyer and pharmacist and she has degrees in communication and business so they are not idiot’s

No, they are not the idiots :slight_smile:

That video is genuinely unfunny, in fact it’s genuinely bad … but, AFAIK, it’s the sort of stuff that entertains the younger social media user … :102:

You don’t have to be Australian to find Morris dancing ludicrous, keezoy. :slight_smile: