I just found out I have won a PD cuff in a competition

I am subscribed on youtube to a few tuts on photography . One that I have been following was offering a PD cuff in a competition. First tme ever won anything and I am over the moon about it .
it attaches to the camera and around the wrist.



I hope they are paying your way to collect your prize and attend the awards ceremony :grin: :champagne: :tada: :trophy: :grin:

Seriously though, acknowledgement your photography skills is well-deserved. I hope you get plenty of use out of the cuff.

(The only thing I ever one was my own mother’s cake at a cakewalk in 1969).

Good for you! :+1:

Well done :slight_smile: :+1:

Nice one,please make sure it is not a scam realspeed.

can’t be no money asked for. Just goes to show how suspicious we have now become

I am really pleased for you,sorry i hear of so many scams realspeed.

and here it is

So pleased for you realspeed.
Hope i did not put a dampener on your win with my cynical thoughts.
If i did,i am so sorry.

Looks very sturdy! Are you using it yet?

congrats, :thinking: wot is it though…

Not used it yet as it only came this afternoon. As to value that depends on if wanted or not so value is not an issue. Oh no offence taken nice to know others are looking out for scams

I use something similar on my cameras though I think they actually came with the cameras, not as fancy though.

with something like this attached to wrist and camera , first of all it stops it from falling should one accidently let go. Scondly makes it that much harder to be snatched away, even the small cord hidden under the camera has an 8000lb breaking strain.
When considering the value of camera -lens memory cards , let alone loss of photos/videos , having something like this makes sense .

Or as I have been doing using a neck strap

same quick release spring loaded button slot compatible with above
