I Hope l Am Not Being Blasphemous Here... But

I used to work with, and am still in touch with a girl who is a Wiccan. She goes to their meetings and so on, and I have told her that I’d find her religion quite attractive if I wasn’t a dyed in the wool atheist.
I think I’d pass on the lashings with a holly birch, though.

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Wash yer mouth out Arty, you heathen!.. :018:

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Foxy, l am quite holy and have a faith but l am a realist too!
I still question things.

Take no notice, Angel. I regard being addressed as a heathen as a compliment.


Well that’s more than some people on the forum do Arty, they believe everything that the MSM, the BBC, and that dammed imposter David Attenborough have to say. And to think I used to like him when he stuck to what he knows.

Bloody Reprobate…

What is wrong, precisely, with us heathens?

Read this and report back…

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Actually, I have read some little bits. I specifically remember one bit about our being entitled to ‘three score years and ten’ and then a different bit about some old bloke called Methuselah who lived for 969 years.
I must say that I find that not very fair for a so-called Christian to say.

After the three score year and ten we are turning into the final furlong and every day is a gift .

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Yep, it will all be sorted on the other side.

It is possible to Buy Time, without being Cash Rich.

Not when your time is up .

But what about my other 899 years?

Atheism is just so much simpler.

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That’s what I keep telling my daughter in law when she insists on buying the abomination of choc chip hot cross buns. Jesus didn’t have chocolate! (Unless he was actually born in Mexico)

Personally my Easter is spent celebrating the birth of the egg laying Easter Bunny by giving out Choc Bunnies.

Yes, no silly rules.

That doesn’t stop some of its practitioners from being silly, though. :slightly_smiling_face:

Being a non-believer is simpler.

Atheists believe god doesn’t exist, and, on occasion feel the need to justify that belief.

Why does a lack of belief need to be justified? Active atheism is no better than religion.

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