I Hope l Am Not Being Blasphemous Here... But

In that case, I must be a non-giving tosser. :slightly_smiling_face:

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You only have to take a brief look at this forum to be able to say it seems more impossible than tricky. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ah yes, well, he’ll certainly be more akin to his actual skin colour at birth rather than almost bleached white as portrayed in many paintings. Judeans of the time were biologically closer to the Iraqi Jews of that period than to any other contemporary population.
My favourite painting of one of my ancestors is by Salvador Dali👇

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Nope. There is no belief to be justified.

Why are so many people so set on trying to make other people feel stupid for what they believe? It’s fair enough if the “believers” are going round trying to get others to believe the same as them, but why the unprovoked insult to what they believe in? :102:

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For me it is simple. Atheism is the absence of theism. No insulting involved.

I was speaking generally, Besoeker, not about your comment. For one thing, I’m not sure what you actually meant.

Since we’re on blasphemy, might as well…


I thought my comment was perfectly clear and simple. Atheism is the absence of theism. That’s all…

I feel your walk with God or without God is your very private choice and is a very personal, private journey.

Aye, I ain’t no Bible thumping self-righteous Christian but I’ve faith. (As previously demonstrated in one rather Wiley thread on the old Forum)

Those scriptures helped me through some very traumatic situations in my life. My anchor-kept me sane. I make mistakes same as a non-believer but I’ve Hope, Faith and Love.

PS: my lovely daughter married a Muslim and converted and I accepted her choice because I’m not here to judge. Unless it’s pink


That’s what I would understand the term to mean, literally, but some people take it too far, and become a bit too enthusiastic about believing in not believing. :slightly_smiling_face:

Their choice I suppose. I just like it simple.

Me, too. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

Wonderful painting and what an illustrious ancestor !

Saying you don’t believe in God is the same as a tree saying I don’t believe in roots, and cuts it off…

Good explanation, in which case I’m a non-believer.

Now then, Foxy. :018:

It’s okay to believe in God, and it’s okay not to believe in God, but it’s pointless telling each other they are wrong. Just arguing for the sake of it, with no chance of a positive outcome.


A non-believer is a non-believer in theism which is exactly what an atheist is - a non-believer in theism.

Do folks who go for theism have more letters after their name, than those who don’t and, does that matter?

I dont think it matters …Julia Fromyorks MBE.DLB.COFLBB.QI

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