There isn’t a cynical bone in you!
Don’t say that!
It’s just that all our newbies clear every living thing and replace them with gravel and concrete.It’s very depressing.
Yep, they (young couple) did that too! Small piece of lawn left!
You are welcome, Besoeker, your neighbours sound lovely. It is heart warming to know that such kindness still exists!
That’s very kind of him or her.
I always get weird neighbours … like the one that opened all the gas jets on the fire and cooker, locked the house up with them left on , went and locked himself in his garage and phoned the police to tell them what he’d done.
Having good neighbours makes moving on difficult, then without a Bye your Leave , they bugger off.
When I first moved here 16 years ago the close was friendly . Over the years its changed new people dont even look up or smile they act as though I’m invisible. Of course the original ones left still call hello or wave which is nice . Now when I go out to the car I just keep my eyes lowered too . I tried to be welcoming but over the years I’ve given up .
Having nice neighbours is so important in this day of families not living near each other
My neighbours are quite nice people except the builder who lives next door who is a total plonker .
I am not on close terms with any of them though I have been a rolling stone too long .
My real friends are those I have known for years and sadly they live overseas or worse have no passed on .
That’s the way it is .
I’m a Londoner and we don’t really “do” neighbours but they are muc friendlier here.
I’m sorry about the friends that passed on, as we get older it leaves a big gap in our lives
Neighbours are great (you don’t even have to like them) if they operate at minus 60 decibels.