I do have lovely neighbours!

Earlier this afternoon our water supply disappeared. Yorkshire Water said it was due to a large burst main and it would soon be fixed. Now we have had a message to say ‘no water until morning’. One of our younger neighbours did a run up to Sainsbury’s and has delivered (free) a 2 litre bottle of water to all us oldies - about 12 houses in all. How lovely and thoughtful is that? I am so lucky to live here!


That’s very generous and kind hearted of your neighbour!


That’s nice.I feel a song coming on…


…Aussie National Anthem? :069:

I’m feeling the 80’s coming on…


That is SO kind of him Tabby…how thoughtful! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It does make a change and it’s nice to know community spirit is still alive.

Good for them… and you, of course. :+1:

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Apparently tabs it’s one of the big water mains that’s fractured, affecting the Huntington area

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Yes, excellent and I’m pleased that you have good neighbours. We also live in Yorkshire - we moved here two and a half years ago. Like you, we have excellent neighbours Yorkshire gets the thumbs up!!

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How lovely to have such thoughtful neighbours, Tabby.

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Our Doctor once offered to get our prescriptions when one late Winter we both had a very nasty chest infection.
He said I can always get somebody to do this important task…
We both were surprised actually.

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Never a lender nor borrower be. You’re indebted to him/her now.

That was very thoughtful and kind, there are still some good ‘uns about :+1:

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I’ve had a few nutty neighbours.

One neighbor called the police out to Mr M …
And he made funny phone calls to me … saying nothing and just breathing heavily except the one time he said … I’ve just seen Mr M go down the road, I know you’re alone.
I knew it was him because I’d just seen standing in his drive watching him drive off down the road and recognised his voice.

That’s a coincidence. They all say the same about you.

If I could post images I’d smack your bum … but rifling through the smilies

A hah! … :bomb:

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That’s scary, Morty!

Yes, Polonius, I know that - but she did not lend me the water and I have not borrowed it - so it will neither lose me her friendship nor dull the edge of my husbandry!

Ooh…I hope its fixed really soon then! :worried:

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Yipee - pass the kettle - it is back on!

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Good job! :+1: