.I bet women cheat on their men more than men cheat on their women, maybe more.
My logic for that is simple. Women want certain things, so when they don’t get them, they are hurt. Women do not handle hurt like men, and they are tons better with exacting revenge.
So we have here a recipe for a large number of angry women. These angry women need to take it out on simeone, ergo the first dummy at a bar
I think you’d probably find that more men cheat than women - that’s not to say women don’t, but men appear to according to studies:
According to research, men cheat more than women. The General Social Survey, one of the most influential studies in social sciences, found that, in 2018 and 2019, 20 percent of men admitted to having sex with someone other than their spouse while they were married, compared to 13 percent of women.
It makes sense statistically that women have affairs in the same percentage range as men since in most cases, the people on the other side of a man having an affair is a woman.
But the logic doesn’t follow. Many women don’t have revenge sex because that’s a dangerous game. Women are the ones left to raise the babies if there is one. Women are also more likely to be brutalized in a sex encounter gone bad. Men don’t have those things to consider.
I’ve only ever heard this argument from men who have cheated (not on me). If the woman who is having the affair is not the spouse of the cheating man, that still leaves a woman hurt who didn’t deserve it. It doesn’t matter what other women are doing.
Perhaps they run out of energy, motivation etc. See no return for the effort. Maybe they have put decades of work in and feel like they get no appreciation for it, but a new person appreciates even the little things.
That will wear off, of course. All new relationships have a sweet period when you’re delighted and enchanted and appreciative of everything about each other
And then it settles into the everyday
So to keep getting that appreciated head over heels in love feeling, you’d have to keep flitting from relationship to relationship?
Maybe stay with one and aim for something deeper than being “appreciated”?
K. I want to explore this.
I have been still “In love” with my wife, who I’ve been with since high school 37 years ago, and married 34. I pay attention like you would not believe.
She used to.
I lately feel a bit, I don’t know, hurt, that she isn’t as interested in me as I am in her still after all this time.
Now, if I were to go looking for that need to be filled elsewhere, and located a source, I wholly agree with you, it would fade.
But you know what I did? Instead of being a bad person and looking outside my marriage, I directed my issue to my wife, and before I was asleep, I had a commitment from who I see as the prettiest woman ever, to make an effort to be more present, and also to say I love you with my love language a bit more - physical touch.
And it’s not about sex. I can be quite happy snuggling. Holding hands. Lying directly back to back leaving against each other. But touching matters. If I’m not getting hugs, pats, etc., then I’m not truly hearing “I love you.”
At this point in life. Only one woman can make me feel loved by a woman, and that has to be my missus. Dammit.
I can’t satisfy the itch going out chasing skirts.
No booze. No drug. Nothing can scratch my itch but my sweet wife. Well, sweet until…
Reality always gets me
Yep, a little bit of eye candy might make a man want a bigger meal at home - noooo doubt!
The fact is, I know damn well where my head goes at night - the pillow next to hers. I will never desire to change that. But I darn well may desire to renegotiate my benefits package and the perks
I want equal pay for equal effort.