I am still working and this morning my alarm woke me up

Now this may seem an innocuous statement, but let me elaborate.
I am, and have always been an early riser, not relying on alarms to rouse me from my slumber.
I can count on one hand the times my alarm has woken me in the previous 12 months.
Do you or did you rely on the alarm to waken you for work?

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No.My bladder does it for me.


If I keep to a good routine, I usually break my sleep naturally at around 7am like clockwork. In summer, it’s 6am.

If my sleep cycle is messed up like it currently is then I need my alarm clock to get me out of bed.

I am blessed to sleep soundly throughout the night but recently I have not been sleeping well. There’s just too much stuff going on in my head and it’s impacting my sleep pattern.


I always had an alarm clock set to wake me up for most of my working life until I became self employed as a courier. I was on call 24 hours a day and would respond immediately once my mobile rang, day or night, so my alarm clock became redundant. I finished my working life delivering the post for Royal Mail as a postman, and although my alarm clock was primed for some early morning action, I rarely heard it, having already left my bed and started preparing for work.

Since retiring I just wake up at six thirty most mornings without the need for an alarm clock, and go for a walk/jog, I love that time of day but just miss not having to carry a bag full of post and running down people’s paths…


Regular as clockwork eh!
Don’t drink fluids before bedtime.


Is that at the same time or when you are off duty? :grinning:

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An enlarged prostate is so annoying…


But I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I was thirsty.I don’t drink tea after 5pm…

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I had to look that up. Sorry sly old grey :fox_face:

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Me too :089:

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I’ve had the TURP op,it has helped.


I looked it up. Glad it’s helped you. :023:

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I actually drink a cup of water before retiring to bed Mr Smith.
DR Berg on youtube recommends that most heart attacks occur in the early hours because of dehydration, and a small glass of water will prevent one. It doesn’t seem to make any difference to the frequency of passing water during the night.


A crazy dream from Spitty’s past usually wakes him, then just ignoring does the trick.

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I’m not sure how but I always wake and listen for the alarm to go off…its like I don’t trust it to do its job so my body clock wakes me up to check it out :slight_smile:


Yes, I am always awake well before the alarm is due to sound.
Rare occasion when I am awoken by the shrill sound :slightly_smiling_face:

Sometimes I am bought round by becoming aware that I have passed wind in my sleep, my Wife is annoyed about getting a rude awakening!!!

Not usually when working, unless an exceptionally early start. Now at 80+ it’s my bladder that wakes me at 5 and after that I stay up and start my day down in my music workshop for an hour.

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Even when I am not working I usually wake before the alarm would have gone off. I turn it off on my no work days.
I am in bed early most nights. 8pm is late. :grinning:

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I’m usually awake and up around 5.30 regardless.
Depending on the time of year I’m roused by the dawn cacophony, the crows , magpies and the honking of the Canada geese on the local pond.
No cockcrow round here.

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