I am still working and this morning my alarm woke me up

Best time of the day.
I love birdsong, watching the sun rise. Experiencing the early morning fog on the river in the winter time.


Weā€™ll often take a container of wild bird mix and feed them.
Thatā€™s very probably why they wake me up :wink:

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Inā€™t it brilliant living in the country Chilliā€¦


Iā€™ve been feeding them.Itā€™s all go here in the early AM.We come back from the walk and thereā€™s lots of beady little eyes looking out for us.There were eight kookaburras today and assorted others.


Iā€™m more semi-urban Foxyā€¦ halfway between London and the coast, best of both worlds I suppose.

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I had to rely on alarm clocks. Yes, I had two placed in strategic spots which provided the need to get out of bed to put off.

After retiring early for bad health, I had the bestest alarm clock, my wee daughter, then the following year my big son.

I had a purpose in life after working outside in an office. Since Iā€™m semi-retired now, I manage in average 6 hours night sleep. I naturally wake up, sometimes my wee kitten wakes me up.

Unless, Iā€™ve somewhere to be early, then I out the clock on, otherwise I let nature take its course.

Strangely enough few hotels donā€™t have alarm clocks, but wake up calls, I usually ignore those :joy::joy::joy:

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my last job down the pit meant i had to be down by 5.30 in the a.m. we called that shift Daze.
but previously i had been on Afters regular which meant going down at noonā€¦ a wonderful shift that needed no alarmā€¦ now i have 8.00 on my phone in case iā€™m not awakeā€¦and i have been known to turn it off and turn over, but its usually gone midnight when i go to bedā€¦

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