Another jumble. All leads either had their use at the time or were surplus to immediate requirements…
This circa 1958 Austin Tray Truck has Seen Better Days
This petrol pump Has Seen Better Days
Would have been a magnificent sight when it was in it’s prime.
Most certainly Seen Better Days
Old trees have been there through a lot of history. Think of all the generations of people who have either sat under or passed by them. All the different styles of clothing they wore. The wars they have stood through…
Not being a car person I am taking a guess this is a 1964 EH ute which has Seen Better Days
Really? Not nice bloke.
A bit of sarcasm on my part. I don’t know who the owner was and most people in our neck of the woods are much much more diligent than that. This is a slightly better day for Max:
The remains of a barge on the canal…
Restoration job coming up?
I always fancied an EH but never owned one, over the years have owned an FB sedan, HK wagon and HJ sedan. I thought the HJ was the nicest looking one despite the spare wheel taking up half the boot.
It seems the owner might have gotten a few offers on the one I posted. Decided to put “Not For Sale” plate on it.
Brett, you have an eye for pictures! good catch on this one, with an interesting title.
When something takes my eye, out comes the camera.