I Am Being Taken To Tatton Park RHS Flower Show. Will l Like It?

Has anyone been to Tatton Park RHS Flower Show in Cheshire?
If you have, is there anything that l need to look out for?

I haven’t been to anything like this before but l am sure there will be lots to see!!

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Sure you will enjoy it if your like anything to do with Gardening…Usually a lot of walking about, so comfy shoes…sunhat if the forecast is hotish…

When are you going Art?

Oooh this sounds exciting! Never been there - hope you have a lovely time! :smiley:

Art :slight_smile: my sister and brother in law usually go to Tatton and have a lovely time . They take a picnic and go with another couple.

I bet that will be interesting, I’d like to go somewhere like that too.
Don’t forget to take your camera, so we can see some pics. :slight_smile:

Just glad that it’s running this year!!

Dianne, l’ve heard that there is lots of walking there so l will wear my comfy shoes!!

One day next week!!

Thank You, Pixie.

Meg, :slight_smile: l understand all the top nurseries show their flowers, shrubs etc there.
I have suggested taking a picnic too!

Mups, Yes it sounds as if it will be very interesting. I am sure you would love it as l know you love flowers.

I will only have my phone camera but l will take some pics to post!

Yes, l was told it was cancelled last year due to the Covid pandemic.

There’s a recently opened RHS place in Worsley which I’ve heard good things about. Not sure if it applies, but just slinging it into the ring.

Have got a Dianne-esque story about Tatton Park and a holiday to Brittany which I might recount if things dry up on here for a while:-)

Nice date. Have lots of fun.

Thank You, Bratti. I hope the weather stays fine!

I haven’t heard of that one? I have just googled it and it’s also ‘up north’!

I do apologise. I’d forgotten that your forthcoming visit up to the land of the heathens was on foot and that a further 25 or so miles would take at least 2 days travel :mrgreen:


The traffic and queues are evil, but it is a lovely day out.

Only ever been as an exhibitor, helping out an Ex, so straight in and the discounts are amazing.