I Am Being Taken To Tatton Park RHS Flower Show. Will l Like It?

its a great show artie, enjoy it, down side the hold ups getting in and out

I’ve never been but I have pals who go every year so it must be good.

Have a great day

Swimmy, I hadn’t thought about the traffic/queues being bad but it’s bound to be!

Oh well, let’s hope there’s something interesting on the radio! :slight_smile:

Who writes your jokes… cos they are not funny!! :lol:

Macy, Thank You. I bet l will be overwhelmed by the colour and plants l didn’t know existed!

Swimmy, just gave me the bad news about the traffic too.

Maybe, l could borrow a blue light to put on the top of the car and all the other cars will allow us through!! :lol:

Thank You, summer. After reading all these good comments, I am now looking forward to it!

The old interchange between the M56 and M6 used to be a complete nightmare. Hopefully the recent replacement with a proper dual carriageway will alleviate some of the historic queues.

don’t stand still for too long artie, you will get sprayed for green fly or potted up :lol:

As Mups asked, here are some pics. They aren’t great as l’ve tried to edit them so as not to show members of the public…

The most popular bought plants seemed to be, purple Alliums, White Hydrangea type plants, lots of daisies, especially the ones with the petals hanging downwards!!
Here are some more of the ‘gardens’…

They are great Artangle…did you enjoy the show as much as you thought?
Shame you have to think about edited people out these days…they can so add to the atmosphere.

When they show Garden Exhibits on TV…you do see lots of people so can’t really see the difference…

We went to visit some old Radio friends in Brittany,

it turned out the whole new Business hbe had set up, with new Lorry and new house and new all…was all on tick…Went into bankruptcy when he could not pay his way…

Wife left him and went back to the UK…him no idea…

He was a crook, we found that out and a lot more of his lifestyle…

ok you bottled it, Dexo…:lol:

Dianne, lt made me realise how little l know of the varieties of plants. I have never seen so many different types and unusual plants.

There was a lot to see but l understand there was less on show at this show than at previous ones.

Thankfully, the traffic was good and no queues for parking or leaving the park at any time.

I thought it might be best to edit people out when l could. The thing was, there probably weren’t many about whilst l was setting up my phone to take the pic and by the time I’d set it up for the best shot… they were there!

What pretty pictures, Art. Thanks.
What did you treat yourself to?

Glad you had a good day.

Mups, My ‘friend’ treated me, he bought me some Aqua Wonder Grip gardening gloves (for pulling up nettles!), a pack of 6 Nerine bowdenii pink bulbs, some bulbs that look like huge onions and some roots that look like Octipus!
Don’t ask me either of the names!!

I treated him to some goodies off a food stall to eat at his leisure!!

love the piccies artie, glad you enjoyed it

Thank You, macy.

They could’ve been better as there was reflection on my phone and it was hard to see what l was taking!

Lovely photos Art :slight_smile: I hope you had an enjoyable day .
I am glad it is cooler so the plants have lasted better for the show.

Thank You, :slight_smile: Meg.

I had a lovely day but l was shattered by the evening. I wanted to see the gardens that were shown on the two RHS shows that were on BBC2 last week.

The weather was dull to start with and then it went very hot!

Did your sister and husband and their friends go this year?

No Art, their friends are members of the RHS and always go (and to Chatsworth) but my sister couldn’t go with her grandaughter with Covid and the family isolating. They are out of quarantine today.